Hi all.
Does an automatic procedure exist to import one (or more) 2.6.2 wp blog into an existing wp-mu (latest) working installation? Or should it be done by hand?
Hi all.
Does an automatic procedure exist to import one (or more) 2.6.2 wp blog into an existing wp-mu (latest) working installation? Or should it be done by hand?
Do that for each blog.
Thanks very much Andrea.
Me again.
I've started the process.
While I've quite manged to import posts and theme, now I'm a bit stucked at users.
The WP blog I'm trying to import into the WPMU existing installation, has a table wp_users filled with users linked to their own posts. Now that I've imported the posts, obviously the links are wrong, and point to existing WPMU users ID in a random way. To bad the above tutorial doesn't cover this case.
I think I've to import WP users into WPMU wp_users table myself, am I correct? In addition what other type of data I should import? Is wp_users_meta needed?
Thanks for any tip.