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[closed] Wordpress mu 2.7? (175 posts)

  1. taylhis
    Posted 16 years ago #

    No hurry to get this out -- I just have some confusion. The homepage says...

    "WordPress MU, or multi-user, is designed to do exactly that. It is most famously used for where it serves tens of millions of hits on hundreds of thousands of blogs each day."

    If it is the software used on and is clearly using "2.7" then is using a buggy trunk release? It seems has been using 2.7 for a while?

    Anyway, thanks for the great software and all the hard work you do. I am just curious about this one thing.

  2. aravin
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Dont confuse with wordpress 2.7 and wordpress mu 2.7

    Wordpress 2.7 is for single blog

    Wordpress Mu 2.7 is for multiple blog

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago # rolls in their OWN version. They don't use what comes out of trunk.

    aravin - don't confuse with :)

  4. slambert1971
    Posted 16 years ago # is using version 2.7 - I just verified it by logging in to an old blog I have there. I am using the trunk version of Wordpress MU (2.7) and although there are some bugs, it does work. Just not ready to put it into a production environment yet.

    Since is using 2.7, can't some of the code there be used to get MU ready for it's debut in 2.7? Or is it that does all their own work, and someone else is actually supporting WordPress MU? Because at this point that is what it looks like. :)

    Not complaining of course, I can wait since my project doesn't launch until March anyway.

  5. billdennis5
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Or ... you can download the trunk version now and use it.

    Waiting is - a philosophy of patience, which I try to practice and encourage in others. The sentiment, that "all things that are to be, come in the proper time", is compatible with Tao and Buddhist teachings. It is an attempt to lay aside the angst caused in today's modern life. Originally phrased in Robert A. Heinlein's ground-breaking book "Stranger In A Strange Land."

  6. VentureMaker
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Nice to see someone who's fond of Heinlein :)

  7. slambert1971
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Well, I DID say "I am using the trunk version of Wordpress MU (2.7)...", but I don't feel it is ready for a production site, which is why I can wait since my project isn't ready to launch anyway. I am testing the heck out of it this next few weeks, and each time I find a bug it is already reported and then fixed in a few days. :)

    I hope by Februrary 1st when the project goes live it will be at a point where I am comfortable using it in production.

  8. Sweet_Baby_Girl
    Posted 16 years ago #


  9. kgraeme
    Posted 16 years ago #

    "If it is the software used on and is clearly using "2.7" then is using a buggy trunk release? It seems has been using 2.7 for a while?"

    There is a lot in the codebase that never gets to wpmu. (Some stuff I'd love to have for mu!) Enough so that I'm sure they treat and wpmu as separate product branches of the core code.

  10. goodevilgenius
    Posted 16 years ago #

    If there are so many differences between, and wpmu, then why does it say on that is in fact running Wordpress MU, if it's in fact something that's very different?

  11. techlover
    Posted 16 years ago #

    It is running WPMU, however they do edit the code for their website. I am not sure, but I believe they are using the trunk version and just upgrading it when a new one comes out. Are my assumptions correct here?

  12. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    It's different in the fact they have a completely different setup and features.

    And if they were waiting for a release *here*, they wouldn't be running 2.7 there yet, would they?

    In the past, changes came here first, them Now they don't. I don't have any inside info, but I would say getting upgraded is far higher a priority than releasing the free WPMU version. Just be observation.

    If you've ever signed up over at, you'd notice there's a few things they've even stripped out from MU, as well as plugin additions and custom code.

    And please remember that paragraph you pasted in has said the same exact thing, unchanged, for well over two years.

  13. Sweet_Baby_Girl
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Donncha told me he would give out the beta version today but I guess it will take tomorrow too... :)

  14. lunabyte
    Posted 16 years ago #

    It's ready when it's ready. The more stable, the better.

    There's always checking out from trunk, so I'm not sure what the big rush is for something titled beta. :)

  15. tdjcbe
    Posted 16 years ago #

    But I want to push it out. I'm getting tired of looking at Gallery issues. :(

    edit: Actually I can wait. We hit a major issue with Gallery.

    reedit: I believe the poster is looking at this:

  16. taylhis
    Posted 16 years ago #

    So does use Wordpress MU or not? The site here says it does?

  17. Sweet_Baby_Girl
    Posted 16 years ago #

    @lunabyte, I am actually using the trunc version so I am not in a hurry ^_^

    @tdjcbe, everything will be OK ;)

  18. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 16 years ago #

    taylhis - uses a highly customized version of WordPress MU. In the past as pointed out here it was merged from the MU codebase but these days merges are done on a regular basis directly from WordPress. That's why 2.7 appeared there before here.

  19. sallyanne
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Sweet_Baby_Girl...How do we get the Beta version?

  20. goodevilgenius
    Posted 16 years ago #

    The current svn version is calling itself 2.7-beta. You could get that.

    It looks really good.
    I really like the bar at the top like has.

  21. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I've just announced the beta release. Thank you everyone for helping. We're almost at the final 2.7!

  22. mdvaldosta
    Posted 16 years ago #

    That's awsome Donncha, this is most certainly the best release (beta or not) of WPMU yet.

  23. goodevilgenius
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Looks really nice.
    Any reason why "Add User from community" disappeared?

  24. azsportshub
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Hmm...Tryign to install on a dev site from scratch and getting:

    'Warning: constant() [function.constant]: Couldn't find constant VHOST in /wpmu-settings.php on line 103'

    'Warning: constant() [function.constant]: Couldn't find constant VHOST in /wpmu-settings.php on line 134'

    'Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /wpmu-settings.php:103) in /wpmu-settings.php on line 137'

    No problems on this server before running 2.5 and 2.6...

  25. tdjcbe
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Probably means the wp-config.php file didin't get created correctly. Delete the db tables as well as the wp-config.php file and reinstall.

    If you search the forums, you'll see further discussion on the error.

  26. taylhis
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Thanks for another great WPMU release (beta)!! Great job!

  27. dsalon
    Posted 16 years ago #


    Maybe this has been discussed before... I've searched the forums, however didn't find anything...

    of course compliments for the 2.7 beta...

    ok, I have a test installation of wpmu 2.7 (never tested any other versions before) running together with the domain mapping plugin with the following configuration:

    main site:

    a test blog is activated on: (1)

    now the test blog is domain mapped to (2)

    the test blog is accessible via (1) and (2), so everything works fine so far...

    I can also login to the administration panel via both addresses (1) and (2) whereby in both cases I will be redirected to the admin panel on (2) ...

    however the "Visit site" link in the admin header always directs to, what's not perfect but would not be that an issue, however the "Log Out" link directs to so that logging out from the admmin panel, which is on is not possible and causes the error message:

    You are attempting to log out of test

    Please try again.

    Thank you in advance for any helpful information...

    - ds

  28. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Please, start a new thread for new issues.

  29. trcwest
    Posted 16 years ago #

    has any one had the problem with the plugins updater...

    as when i log in a fresh on a new computer it tells me about the pugins that need updating theni click update then once one updates i loose the option to update the others but the plugins tab has a red note indicating that there are plugins that need to be updated??

    Any thoughts people

  30. DragonFlyEye
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Just a question about 2.7-beta: is there a plan to get rid of / thin the herd of the top nav stuff? A lot of it looks redundant to the stuff in the LH navigation?

    But, oh man, do I want to install a stable version in production! I'm really going to enjoy the quick post and comment features.

About this Topic

  • Started 16 years ago by xdmx
  • Latest reply from VentureMaker