Maybe this has been discussed before... I've searched the forums, however didn't find anything...
of course compliments for the 2.7 beta...
ok, I have a test installation of wpmu 2.7 (never tested any other versions before) running together with the domain mapping plugin with the following configuration:
main site: http://wpmudomain.net
a test blog is activated on: (1) http://test.wpmudomain.net
now the test blog is domain mapped to (2) http://mappeddomain.net
the test blog is accessible via (1) and (2), so everything works fine so far...
I can also login to the administration panel via both addresses (1) and (2) whereby in both cases I will be redirected to the admin panel on (2) http://mappeddomain.net/wp-admin/ ...
however the "Visit site" link in the admin header always directs to http://test.wpmudomain.net, what's not perfect but would not be that an issue, however the "Log Out" link directs to http://test.wpmudomain.net/wp-login?action=logout&etc... so that logging out from the admmin panel, which is on http://mappeddomain.net/wp-admin/ is not possible and causes the error message:
You are attempting to log out of test
Please try again.
Thank you in advance for any helpful information...
- ds