It can be disabled.
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It can be disabled.
Most of that top menu is the admin bar. You could turn it off with an option in the updated wp-config.php file.
We're debating on it actually as we already have an admin bar that included other stuff. (ie report splog, report mature, link to help pages, etc.)
I like the top nav bar (and my users do as well), so I hope it doesn't go 'just away'... +1 for a wp-config setting, or better yet Move admin bar settings to the Profile. ;-)
I have a problem with mu 2.7beta and the simple-tags-plugin:
I aktivatet inadvertently an old Version of the Simple-Tags-Plugin and now on every site at the top there is the message "Simple Tags can't work with this WordPress version ! You must use Simple Tagging Plugin for it to work."
Also after upgrading to the newest Version of Simple-Tags (that works fine) or after deaktivate the plugin the message is still on every site?
Does MU 2.7 have automatic updates?
Well from reading this thread it sounds like no it does not.
Automatic updates should work when 2.7 is released, although I've only tested it briefly on a local server. It isn't possible to auto update from WPMU 2.6.5 to 2.7.
I've been running WPMU 2.7 beta on our development server for a while (from the SVN). It's looking quite awesome! I cannot wait until its declared stable and the current WPMU websites upgrade to it.
One question though, is there plans to have nightly build zip files? As I've noticed the link to them does not work right now.
Bottom of the page.
It's officially out now, as of 5 minutes ago. Can we close the thread now? :D
Is it just me, I'm not sure?
I just downloaded 2.7MU and it's version 2.6.5 still.
Something gone wrong?
Same problem here. I tried to upgrade from 2.7beta to 2.7, and ended up with a downgrade. :-(
I've only tried the .zip version, am downloading .tar.gz now.
Might have some luck.
After both gave me 2.6.5, I just downloaded the trac version as a zip (since the current trunk IS 2.7). Get it from with the "Zip Archive" link at the bottom of the page.
Same problem with .tar.gz.
Such a shame, I was so excited about getting to grips with MU 2.7.
Thanks :D
From what i see so far, it's fantastic!
I don't get this, I just got the version linked three posts above my post and in my footer I still see:
You are using a development version (2.7). Cool! Please stay updated.
what version is it?
can I upgrade via that itnernal upgrade?
Yeah, I noticed that myself.
I think there maybe a few minor bugs to iron out in this version.
Donncha had zipped the 2.6.5 version by mistake, but it should be fixed now.
Oh my, I just installed it, but I get this error:
"Problem in wp-config.php - $base is set to BASE when it should be the path like "/" or "/blogs/"! Please fix it!"
It's installed in the root of a subdomain. Do I have to change something there?
you didn't edit the config file yourself did you?
I just changed the database stuff. I didn't touched anything else so far.
Delete the wp-config.php file as well as the database tables is present. Please make sure you read the readme file and follow all of the steps.
You don't edit any config file.
edit: Also please make sure that wp-config-sample.php is still present and that you haven't touched it. You may note at the top of the file a but about not editing the file.
I believe, this thread should be closed :) All issues are to be raised in separate threads.
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