Posted 16 years ago #
I'm running WP 2.5.1 on my WPMu site and the Flash uploader seems to not be working since upgrading to the latest version of Flash player. Has anyone else run into this? I'm not getting an error when I try to upload, it just doesn't do anything.
Thanks for any info.
Posted 16 years ago #
Will be fixed in 2.7 me thinks. Downgrade back to Flash 9.
Much discussed at I recommend scanning their forums once a day or every so often just to keep up on what's happening over there. Plus raiding the ideas sub forum is a plus:
Posted 16 years ago #
(cover your ears andrea)
Adobe really bit the balls on this one. Why would they release something that breaks so many services ..especially Flickr and Wordpress. At least they should given them adequate and extra time to be compatible.
Hey, I agree with ya.
(no flash for me at ALL because it doesn't work with 64bit Linux builds. How's them apples? I'm gonna switch to a different Linux flavor, just to get flash...)
Posted 16 years ago #
thanks for all the feedback, folks! and thanks for the link, tdjcbe. i'll scale back to Flash 9.
i was bummed to read this from tellyworth on, because i really like the Flash uploader:
"It's unlikely there will be a direct solution - we're probably going to have to remove the Flash uploader and replace it with something else."
That'll be a neat trick if they do.
What's worse if that the uploader did work when it first came out. Still trying to figure that one out.