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blogs from one sub-domain copied/parsed to another sub-domain (9 posts)

  1. Chaslie
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Using WPMU 2.6.3, have a main site and x1 sub-domain that is a 'group' site and x8 sub-domains that are 'individual' sites. What I'm looking to discover is if all the blogs that have been added to the 'individual' sites can be also automatically displayed in the 'group' site. So the purpose of the 'group' site is simply to catch all blogs that have been added by specific 'individual' sites. Therefore if you wanted to know what blogs have been added by the individual sites, simply go to the group site rather than the individual sites one-by-one.

  2. Chaslie
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I hope I have not asked a stupid question (above). Have well and truly searched the different forums plus keyword searches in an effort to find an answer.

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    So instead of aggregating all the posts to the main blog, you want them in a specific sub-blog. Yes?

    There's a whole ton of different ways to do this actually. And yeah. we discussed it a LOT.

    You want just a list? Try most-recent-posts.
    you want them reposted as actual entries? Use Feedwordpress and aggregate them all to the group blog.

    Or, use the sitewide tags plugin and call the blog the group name, not "tags"

  4. Chaslie
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Thanks Andrea - YES to your first sentence. Will check out those references you have provided. They sound encouraging. Basically, what we have (are developing) is one central site ( that has a number of towns hanging off it as sub-domains (,, etc) and within each of these towns, there are community members who are individual sub-domains (, me2,,, etc). I'm looking for all the blogs of the community members who belong to a certain town to have these displayed at their own 'mytown' site only.

  5. Chaslie
    Posted 16 years ago #

    FeedWordPress currently will not work with WordPress MU .... This was stated at:

    So I'll try the 'sitewide tags plugin'.

  6. Chaslie
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Having real dramas getting Sitewide Tags Plugin to work. So are others. Perhaps this plugin doesn't like v2.6.3 - that's the only thing I can nail it down to.

    Last option: most-recent-posts. I'll give that a go.

  7. Klark0
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Look at the WPMU Enterprise plugin.

  8. Chaslie
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Thanks Klarko - what a plugin! Have just emailed Jason (dev) a couple of questions to confirm something.

  9. Chaslie
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Didn't hear back from Jason (that's OK) so went another root with GREAT SUCCESS. I set up a static .php page on another domain. Then opened an account with feed.informer ( This RSS feed includes all the feeds from any number of individual blogs within WPMU. You can choose which blogs to include with this agrigated feed. So at the other domain, I am able to present a collection (list) of the latest blog posts added by this specific group of blog contributors ordered by date. Each blog post in the list links back to the individuals our blog with WPMU. Very happy with this work around and even though this .php page is static, it is automatically updated without any intervention by me.

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