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Editor Stripping (basic) HTML Code (7 posts)

  1. WilliamTully
    Posted 16 years ago #

    It appears that even basic HTML code is being stripped from the visual/HTML editors:

    1. create post
    2. drop in two paragraphs of text
    3. switch to HTML view and add <br /><br /> between the paragraphs
    4. switch to visual (looks good!)
    5. switch to HTML and code is gone.

    Even if you drop in simple <p> tags it gets removed when switching between editors as well as when you publish.

    If you drop in a post into the visual editor, shouldn't you be able to see full code when you switch to HTML editor including paragraph tags?

    Any thoughts as to how to get simple html code to work?

  2. WilliamTully
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Oh, also:
    - WPMU 2.6
    - user role: discovered by 'editor' verified with 'admin'
    - no plugins installed

  3. WilliamTully
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Still happening... Help!

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    "If you drop in a post into the visual editor, shouldn't you be able to see full code when you switch to HTML editor including paragraph tags?"

    Nope, WP adds these internally. You never see them, even in single WP.

    Hitting enter a couple times shoudl do it.

    Switching back and forth between Visual and HTML sometimes messes up code.

    If it look okay spacing-wise when you're writing the entry, but when you publish it it's all cramped on the front-end of the blog, then it's the THEME.

    Also, if you're using Safari, that'll do it.

  5. WilliamTully
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Hi Andrea,

    "Hitting enter a couple times shoudl do it. " - when I do that in the visual editor, it shows as space added, however, when the item is published, those extra lines are completely removed and there is no hint that they ever existed.

    The template is pretty solid (first thing I checked!) - it seems to be wordpress/editor removing the extra code for some reason/somehow...

  6. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Got a link? :)

    It's not a full-blown issue for everyone, it's sporadic. I have a user on my system that this happens to, but it's *just her*. I've gone to her blog and edited an entry myself and it works for me. I have yet to figure out what she's doing on her end.

    Another thing you could try is to edit the kses.php file to explicitly allow p and br tags. And try the same thing on another blog on that account.

  7. krunk
    Posted 16 years ago #

    There's another thread here talking about the exact same issue:

    wysiwyg editor reformatting my HTML

About this Topic

  • Started 16 years ago by WilliamTully
  • Latest reply from krunk