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Media Insert Into post problem. (4 posts)

  1. Frumph
    Posted 16 years ago #

    What would cause a problem with inserting into post from the media center not working? (also the flash uploader not working, but browser does)

    Basically when *anyone* hits insert into post from something in the media uploader it stays with the same open box and is completely blank.

    However, on the main site the root site it works just fine, it's just any of the created blogs.

    - Phil (Frumph)

  2. tdjcbe
    Posted 16 years ago #

    My money is on the Flash 10 issue:

  3. Frumph
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Found a topic on it from a month ago, my bad I should have replied to it on there. But still nothing about it. I'll check the trac to see if any bug fixes were done with it.

    - Phil

  4. Atulesh
    Posted 15 years ago #

    My friends i extracted all files related to WP html editor bcoz i only want to use this editor on my web site and it work on my Y the problem of insert into post ..I am also being crazy.
    This is strange that no one suggest the technical solution/problem. I am confuse if any domain related problem and mix url problem exist (from admin Setting/general ) etc etc.
    The problem comes from two files media-upload.php (belongs to wp-admin\media-upload.php) and media-upload.js(wp-admin/js/medail-upload.js)
    This code win.send_to_editor('<?php echo addslashes($html); ?>'); in file media-upload.php does not call javascrip function send_to_editor(b) from media-upload.js(wp-admin/js/medail-upload.js).
    the main work to assign image from image uploader panel to textarea goes to a.execCommand("mceInsertContent",false,b) from media-upload.js. But i am still in problem y sometime it does not invoke. Well i wll mail the exact solution of it soon ..just now i am using 2.8.4 and looking if this too give same problem.

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