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Multi site use case: Sub domains for sites and sub directories for users (2 posts)

  1. kaanb
    Posted 16 years ago #


    Although the forum gives valuable information on multi site usage of WPMU, I still needed to ask and confirm the feasibility of our use case and get some suggestions for the right direction to set up our desired architecture. Since I have very little experience with WPMU, forgive me if I'm asking something already answered or just obvious in the forums.

    We are developing a Social Networking platform based on Open Social. (ie. an open social container)

    We would like to add blogging feature to our solution, and we evaluated Word Press MU as a potential solution. And with some PHP developers in our team we had a proof of concept in rendering a WPMU blog inside a gadget, so it looks promising.

    We need to install WPMU for serving multiple blogs for many sites. In our platform site/network owners can create sites in the form of sub domains such as . There will be many of those sub domains. And if site owners chose to offer blogging for their community each member of their SN site will have blog like (Kaan is a member of wpmucommunity SN).

    Each site owner should become admin of all the blogs of that sub domain. (ie. can moderate members' blogs, ban them etc.)

    Sub domains (=individual SN sites) can have different themes and plugins offered to their own members.

    WPMU should have some sort of SSO with the platform and should share the user base. That is; site owners and members will be registered to the platform and they will become users of WPMU, and once they login to the platform they also login to their blogs without signing in again.

    Is such kind of a set up feasible with WPMU? Or a plug in is needed such as Multi Site or Domain mapping.

    If you can give us some thoughts/directions on how to achieve this, it would help us in our decision to go with WPMU (or at least how far we can go with it)

    Thanks and Regards,
    Kaan Bingol

  2. Klark0
    Posted 16 years ago #

    This comes close to what you want.

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