Still working on it, but thought I would share the progress. Want to thank andrea_r for her direction when I started.
Still working on it, but thought I would share the progress. Want to thank andrea_r for her direction when I started.
Lookin' good. :)
Oww our angel andrea showing the way... Thanks!
Raceday: Cool! It doesn't look like an MU site! ;)
Did you hardcode your custom designs like signup and template images on the frontpage in home.php?
sam-yes, everything on the front page is hardcoded in. I realize this isn't the "normal" way of doing things, but I am anything but normal :)
I don't like my sites to look anything like others--though format may resemble others I have done--I don't like my stuff to look like anyone elses. This is kind of hard for me with MU, because I am having to teach myself new things--ask Andrea--I must have lost half of my hair trying to get a table to work in CSS, before I gave up and went back to tables--until I can educate myself a little deeper.
But I hope I answered the question.
Tables may be on their way out but it will definetly be a few years. It's going to have to get a lot easier to pull off tables with CSS before people start switching. Hell companies like Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, and half of the "web 2.0" startups still use tables to some degree.
I hope so, because I put 100% effort into it, and though I did do decently with some of it, I really lack the knowledge to use it effectively. Being that this site was very active before I changed the format--I needed to get it up and running as soon as I could. So I had to do the tables. Its good to know it will be a few years--because hopefully I can learn this either by myself--or when I get off my butt and go to school to get a degree.
I do hard coding on my home.php to get a frontpage I desire too. No worries. Why do you think it's not the normal way?
I used a lot of images--which is not normal for me. I usually only use one for the header--and sometimes a menu. But the site is image heavy. I actually am going to redo the front page--not because I don't like it, but because I have rethought the organization, of how I can get more use of the space, without too much clutter. But that will be a weekend project. Right now, I am getting the blog areas & themes done. Here is an example where I am allowing the user to pick a theme that matches their favorite driver:
vs. the standard version