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WP-Widget-Cache possibly not ready for WPMU? (1 post)

  1. webmaestro
    Posted 15 years ago #

    WP-Widget-Cache does not appear to be compatible with WordPressMU.

    When I activate it on second blog, I notice that some of the settings already appear to be set.

    Steps to re-create:

    1. Activate the WP-Widget-Cache plugin on blog1
    2. Navigate to WP-Admin > Design > Widgets on blog1
    3. Setup the 'WP-Widget-Cache' info for the 'Meta', 'Recent Posts', 'Search', and at least one 'RSS' widget. Be sure to enter a value for 'Expire in [ ] seconds') for each, and select some appropriate 'Auto expire' checkboxes)
    4. Click the Save Changes button
    5. Switch to blog2 (any different blog on the same WPMU installation)
    6. Activate WP-Widget-Cache on blog2
    7. Navigate to WP-Admin > Design > Widgets on blog2
    8. View the settings for all widgets (add the 'Meta', 'Recent Posts', 'Search', and at least one 'RSS' widget if they don't already exist)
    9. Notice that many of the WP-Widget-Cache settings are already 'set' using the values entered for blog1

    In addition, I've noticed an intermittent issue where the cached widgets for blog1 are showing up in the front-end on blog2.

    Does it make sense to store each blog's wp-widget-cache files in their own blog-specific directories for WPMU like WP Super Cache does (e.g., wp-content/widget-cache/[$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']]/[widget-cache-hash])?

About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by webmaestro