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Theme: StripedPlus (12 posts)

  1. Silkjaer
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I am working on a extended version of Striped, the popular one-column WordPress theme I released in March.

    The version I am working on is targeted especially for Wordpress MU users, the theme is highly customizeable through an extra presentation tab in the WordPress administrator interface. Fx. by using colourmod's easy color picking utility, it is now possible to change every single color in the theme.

    Current features:

    • Changing all colors in the theme
    • Changing content width (fluid width in % or fixed width in px)
    • Changing theme font from a drop-down box
    • Changing background- and headerimage by typing in an URL to a picture
    • Widgets enabled (4 "sidebars")

    Download it at

  2. Ste_000
    Posted 18 years ago #

    good work ! i will try this theme on my mu wordpress...thanks ;)

  3. Silkjaer
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Ste_ooo nice :) There might be some bugs in the theme, i would be very happy if you report them to my forums :)

  4. Silkjaer
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I want to make more themes targeted more for WP MU users, that gives the bloggers more options of changing their blogs look and feel.

    This seem has it all, I think, I haven't come up with additional feature-ideas, nor received any requests. I received one bug report, and it has been fixed for the final release.

    Anyone tried it on their MU sites?

  5. febwa1976
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I tried it on a regular WP site - concept is great - one issue is that the images did not work when I referenced a background and header URL.

    It could also be interesting to use it as a front end on an MU site.

  6. Silkjaer
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Can you further descripe the URL problems? Did you remember http:// ?

  7. febwa1976
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Silkjaer - I did not use the http:// but now I have done and it works perfectly! You do great work - thanks.

  8. Silkjaer
    Posted 18 years ago #

    StripedPlus has been tested through and I have now fixed the final bugs in the theme. StripedPlus is specially targeted towards WordPress MU users, who wants to give their bloggers the opportunity to change their blogs look and feel.

    Feature list:

    • Change all colors through the adminstration panel
    • Change the content width (fluid width in % or fixed width in px) through the adminstration panel
    • Change the theme font through the adminstration panel
    • Change background- and headerimage through the adminstration panel
    • Change the headers height through the adminstration panel
    • Widgets enabled (4 "sidebars")

    Get it here!

  9. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I just installed this on my site and I must say it is AWESOME. Don't have any feedback from users yet, but my initial results were WAY COOL. :D I'm impressed (and I'm old and jaded, so that's saying a lot).

    How hard would it be to add the same functions to existing themes?

  10. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Oh, also if you're looking for a feature suggestion, how about the ability to move the sidebars aroudn in a theme? I've done it with a simpler Options page on a few themes I adjusted in the WPMU theme pack. It does depend on floats though.

  11. Silkjaer
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thanks for the response :) Actually two more themes ive created has these options:

    To easily implement a theme options page to an existing theme I have created a snippet and written a guide:

    I hope it answers your questions :)

  12. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Got it! Testing out the Water theme now. When I implement this in a theme of mine, I'll let you know, 'kay? :D

About this Topic

  • Started 18 years ago by Silkjaer
  • Latest reply from andrea_r