I've got a MU installation with a number of subdomain-based blogs, and I'm having an issue with one - and only one - of them. So my situation is this... I expect and get:
go to http://www.rootdomain.com/wp-admin/
get http://www.rootdomain.com/wp-login.php
enter user/pass
get http://www.rootdomain.com/wp-admin/
but what I also get is:
go to http://www.minordomain1.com/wp-admin/
get http://www.minordomain1.com/wp-login.php
enter user/pass
get http://www.minordomain1.com/wp-admin/
...works dandy, and yet...
go to http://www.minordomain2.com/wp-admin/
get http://www.minordomain2.com/wp-login.php
enter user/pass
get http://www.rootdomain.com/wp-admin/
Clearly I've missed something or messed up something in the DB, but I can't find the missing entry... the wp_sitemeta, wp_##_options, wp_site tables all look fine and parallel between the two minor domains. Same behavior regardless of user, so I don't think it's the site_admins setting. And as a sidenote, I did remove the 'www' domain restriction, they're all working. I also traced the browser requests and it looks like it's authenticating correctly, redirecting to http://www.minordomain2.com/wp-admin/ but then that call is the one redirecting to http://www.rootdomain.com/wp-admin/ ... and it's not changing a target for the form in the source on the login page, checked that.
Any suggestions of where to look next? I've been searching for hours and am pretty frustrated at this point...
Thanks in advance!