Hi I had a problem with auto log out. I am using an plugin using AJAX (FAQ-Tastic) and the domain mapping plugin. As soon as I click on a "AJAX" link I got logged out. here http://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic.php?id=9763
When I de-activated to domain mapping plugin it all worked.
The interesting fact is that the problem was not there 12 hours ago. The same "conditions" existed and all worked well. But today the problem can only be eliminated by de-activating the domain mapping plugin.
Did you follow all the instructions in that plugin, or did you just drop it in and try to use it?
Hi andrea_r
Thanks for the reply. I used the instructions and everything is working well. I may not have explained it well.
1) I am using domain mapping on a few blogs and it works.
2) I was using domain mapping and the FAQ-Tastic plugin with an AJAX improvement and I could edit "AJAX" questions.
3) After I worked the evening I could not continue working the next morning.
4) Only when I de-activated domain mapping could I edit the way I did the previous evening.
I now activate Domain Mapping when I don't add or edit FAQ-Tatstic questions and de-activate it when I work on questions.