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redirectr theme (2 posts)

  1. cafespain
    Posted 16 years ago #

    This may be of use to some WordPress MU adminstrators out there who have users who decide to move to either another blog host, or to their own WordPress install and would like their traffic redirected to their new blog for a period of time.

    The redirectr theme allows the user to set this up themselves by simply activating the theme and setting up the theme options.

    It may remove the need for administrators to edit htaccess files for users, or offer a new "facility" for those hosts that currently don't offer redirection.

    More details and the download page is here:

  2. tdjcbe
    Posted 16 years ago #

    heh I was wondering when someone else was going to notice this trick. :)

    We just copy over a theme directory containing nothing but the index.php file that contains a redirect to the new url.

    This may be of interest for those folks who want to raise some cash for their installs. Charge say ten bucks for a redirect. A couple of my own installs do this as a change from the typical "tell the user to empty out their sidebar except for a single text widget announcing the move along with the new url as a link" method.


About this Topic

  • Started 16 years ago by cafespain
  • Latest reply from tdjcbe