I'm been experiencing side slowness issues for many months now, often directly related to attemopts to open posts on my homepage, http://blogpeoria.com. Last night, no pages would open.
I asked my host to see what he could see and he sent me the following reply:
Your homepage posts have an issue that is causing serious drains on both mysql and php resources. This needs to be addressed right away, regardless of your future plan to upgrade. When clicking on any of your main blog posts, the page takes forever to load because it repeats the post content endlessly down the page. These pages do eventually become visible but because the loop is endless, they can never load completely. What happens is the function call ends in a fatal error:
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in /home/blogpeor/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 274
Looking at your wp-includes/plugin.php file, we find that the function causing this issue is somehow related to tags. I have pasted that fuction below for you and highlighted line 274 in red bold.
`function do_action($tag, $arg = '') {
global $wp_filter, $wp_actions, $merged_filters, $wp_current_filter;if ( is_array($wp_actions) )
$wp_actions[] = $tag;
$wp_actions = array($tag);$wp_current_filter[] = $tag;
// Do 'all' actions first
if ( isset($wp_filter['all']) ) {
$all_args = func_get_args();
}'I don't know you setup or I'd try and fix this for you. The main thing I don't get is the address related to these posts. http://blogpeoria.com/blog/2009/01/04/bad-news-for-print-good-news-for-hyperlocal/ I don't understand where the /blog/ portion of the address comes into play.
NOTE: The line he highlighted in red is if ( is_array($wp_actions) )
Any help trying to figure this out is appreciated.