In site admin I managed to make some themes only visible to the main front blog. It worked fine.
I have just purchased a new theme and now I am trying to allow it just for the main front blog. I keep getting this error
0 is a protected WP option and may not be modified
It worked fine before, but now will not allow any new themes to okayed.
Anyone pleae help?
I have never seen that error before. What theme did you buy?
"In site admin I managed to make some themes only visible to the main front blog."
how did you do this?
The correct way is to go to Site Admin -> themes and disable the ones you want, then go to Site Admin -> Blogs and click "edit" next to the main blog. Then on the upper right, check the ticky boxes to allow themes on the main blog only.
Yes I have been doing this ok when I put on a new theme and wanted to test it before allowing others to use it. Always worked before.
I put on a couple of freebies first tonight and they refused to go on, and this purchased one after, I have made a new blog on the site, put the theme on there fine, so its only the main blog I cant add themes to in that area. As the purchased theme is for the main blog only I am going to keep this new blog and make that the home page for the site. Its a pain though :(
hmm it wouldnt show when i posted and then showed twice... perhaps im a jinx this week LOL
I also get this error:
0 is a protected WP option and may not be modified
I have set two users:
User 1: admin of site + default /blog/
User 2: admin of /blog2/ and admin of /blog3/
Now I login as site admin and go to Site Admin-->Blogs-->and use 'edit' option for /blog2/.
I attempt to change /blog2/ to /someotherblog/
and then I get this error.
I can do the same procedure successfully with /blog3/ - however with /blog2/ I cannot do this.
I am using WPMU 2.7.1
I've just dealt with something similar, check your options table for that blog, look for rows with blank option_names. We had dealt with some data corruption and were left with a few rows with no option_name or value, just an ID, this was the root of the problem for us.
Posted 15 years ago #
I'm getting the same error msg
0 is a protected WP option and may not be modified
This happened after I played around with the admin themes...nothing in the code, all in the admin console.
I activated/diactivated a few themes in the admin, when I go to a specific blog as the admin and try to change "Blog Themes" and hit "Update Options", I get this error
Just received this error when trying to add a user to a blog under "Site Admin > Blogs".
@leenewton - Thanks, your tip worked for me! I was getting 0 is a protected WP option and may not be modified error when I deactivated a theme in WPMU 2.8.2 Site Admin, then went to the blog's Edit page to activate the theme there. Immediately after clicking Submit, I received the error. Based on your tip, I used phpMyAdmin to check the blog's options table and found an empty options_name entry.
So far so good, but I'll report if things break again.
@michaelwillits, do you delete the rows with no option_name or option_value?
I don't know about the rest but this seems to only happen for me on blogs where an admin was also a user during the upgrade of the website.
I dare not upgrade my live site yet :-s
Apart from a possible table corruption (which still works on the old WPMU version if that is the case) has anyone found anything else to fix this issue?
I suppose I better compare tables for now.............
I'm on WordPress MU 2.8.4a
I also wanted to add that this happened when editing admin accounts also, but if you change the role from --No role for this blog-- to Administrator and save then it seems to work fine for subsequent edits.
I still have this problem; it's quite annoying.
One thing I've found is we have a ton of empty rows for each blog's options table. Don't know what is causing it.
Had this been reported in the Trac (or what ever is used for bug reporting and development in WPMU)?
Just wondering if anyone is working towards a solution, this thread was started 8 months ago.....
Thanks for that tdjcbe.
Running 2.7.1 and also have this same problem -- essentially it keeps me from making any changes to the "Edit Blog" record, which is kind of a big administrative problem. Any solution available?
Did you look and see if the blog options table was empty?
I'm working getting db access at the moment, but if those tables are not empty, what should be done, eg:
do you delete the rows with no option_name or option_value?
Thanks !
Worked... deleted buncho, and I mean a LOT of blank records in the options tables for several blog ID's.
Not sure what caused this? Last week, I was testing one of the "role" plugins, which may have had something to do with it, but I'm totally guessing!
Hey, I've deleted all my records with a blank option_name field, but still get this error when trying to add an existing user to SOME blogs. I'm also using the LDAP plugin for MU, in case that's a common factor.
I only have like 5 blogs on my MU install, and only ran across one record which had the dreaded blank option_name field.
I was able to work around my particular issue by adding the user to the blog from that blog's back end.
FYI, tdjcbe's link to the new changeset fixed this problem for me:
Same Problem in my blog too.
but i fixed it by disabling some plugins which is not supporting the current wp version. thanks,