Again, I'd like to apologize - I've seem to offend some, with the comments that I am "whining", "Need to learn to use a search feature", or "not willing to work for a nice site". (I've run a website since 1996 and realize what work and long, long hours are involved).
What I was shocked at, is how raw of a program this is.
The front page of the site says "ever dream of running 100's or thousands of blogs from one install of Word press?". Well, it does DO that, but coupled with it saying you can have a "Blog Network", is where I got confused. You cannot "run a network" with WPMU out of the box, like it infers on the front of the site.
Networks tend to have a consolidated area, of all those that have joined - OUT OF THE BOX. To me, that meant installing WPMU gives you a program to RUN and administer those sites or those that have signed up, just like I imagine Wordpress owners can do.
Take the Myspace network for instance - all those individual accounts, are there - just like a WPMU install would be. But myspace has a main page, where all members are consolidated by interest, or category. You can FIND them in a main area. To relate WPMU to a message board software - imagine installing phpBB where people can sign up and post, but you have to go to each members page to read each post - and there are no posts in a main forum. To me, that is what WPMU is, out of the box.
A front page area, that consolidates all the blogs and lists them, and an admin panel where you can administer all the people that have signed up to your Network (their blogs) is what I thought was in this. I had some initial install issues that I figured out by myself, and after 3 days of tinker got it to work - I guess I was just voicing my frustration of finding out WPMU didn't have any of this as a default - again, I apologize to those I offended.
Now, Andrea has listed some GREAT links for me and I appreciate that - thank you very much Andrea. It does appear that WPMUDev will be getting at least $50 from me, because they seem to have a plugin available, to put up a main page that WPMU is missing.
I don't mind spending the money for their hard coding work, but maybe a better clarification on the front page of what WPMU is and isn't should be in order? It has the CAPABILITY (or appears too based on the blind purchase I'm going to make on WPMUDev) to create your own network, but it DOES NOT DO THAT, out of the box.
I'm curious - why is a main consolidation page not included in the install package? Seems like that would be two POWERFUL additions to it!
Anyway, thank you to everyone for your help and again to Andrea for the links. I wish you well on your sites!