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How Show HTML Page (NOT POST) as Home Page (2 posts)

  1. Mikee17
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Is it possible to create a normal WPMU HTML Page and have that show up as the "Home" page instead of the default first Blog post?

    Here's an example

    By default it shows the HOME page which is the blog with no posts. (You'll see Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.)

    1) I want "NEWHOME" to be the "Home" page. Now I understand that I can do some .htaccess tricks and redirect to but that won't work.

    2) Also I would want the ability to hide the post page just like you can hide any HTML Page.

    Is there a built in way of doing this already, or would I need some custom coding?


  2. DeannaS
    Posted 16 years ago #

    If I'm understanding you correctly, Settings - reading - front page displays - should do what you want. To "hide" the posts page, just don't select anything in the selector box for which one should be the posts page.

    The other option is with theme design. If you have a home.php in your theme, WPMU will automatically use that. It doesn't have to use the loop at all - it can be straight html with a .php extension.

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