First of all, I'm sorry to be asking this. I know there are a plethora of threads already talking about it, but none of them lead in the right direction and they always seem to trail off in to the weeds.
I know that pre-WPMU 2.6 there were quite a few good Adsense Revenue Sharing plugins out there, but they all seem to have stopped the updates there.
Harleys plugin, for example doesn't even exist for WPMU anymore. The URL for the plugin is now just a 404.
RingofBlogs stopped updating his as well, and it crashes everything.
The same happened with
I know that Premium WebDev has a plugin for Adsense Revenue Sharing, but it seems to force placement of ads before and after post content, and gives you no option to custom hack in the ad placement?
I've searched the threads, I've searched Google for countless hours, I've read comments on all outdated plugins, and I can't for the life of me find a plugin that works with 2.6 that will do what I need it to do.
Anyone have a source or idea?