Posted 15 years ago #
On the line wp-signup.php line 263 (WPMU 2.7)
<input id="signupblog" type="radio" name="signup_for" value="blog" <?php echo $signup['blog'] ?> />
<label class="checkbox" for="signupblog"><?php _e('Gimme a blog!') ?></label>
<input id="signupuser" type="radio" name="signup_for" value="user" <?php echo $signup['user'] ?> />
<label class="checkbox" for="signupuser"><?php _e('Just a username, please.') ?></label>
I need to get the correct checkbox checked, now it always choose “'Gimme a blog!”
Where can i choose which checkbox that are checked?
Thanks :)
Posted 15 years ago #
Posted 15 years ago #
So you need 'Just a username, please.' checked by default, right?
<input id="signupuser" type="radio" value="1" checked="1" name="signup_for" value="user" <?php echo $signup['user'] ?> />
<label class="checkbox" for="signupuser"><?php _e('Just a username, please.') ?></label>
Not sure if it's right - writing from my memory :)
The better option is to change line 240 of the wp-signup.php file from:
$signup[ 'blog' ] = 'checked="checked"';
$signup[ 'user' ] = 'checked="checked"';
This way, the system will still work with the error checking routines. Of course, you would need to do this each time this file were updated in a software update.
Might be nice to have this as an option - request added in trac:
Posted 15 years ago #
Thank you slambert1971 :)
Now i removed the option “'Gimme a blog!” so that this checked option is the only option a visitor could choose...
The result of this small change is that only registered visitors can create new blogs, and new visitors has the possibility to create a user account..
Glad I could help. If you only want the one option, you might consider changing the radio button to a hidden field named "signup_for" and the value of "user" where the user signup is. This way, they don't even see the option!
The html would be
<input type="hidden" id="signupuser" name="signup_for" value="user">
for line 267 in the original wp-signup.php file. You probably already removed lines 264-266 to remove the "blog" option, so find the line that has the radio button for the user option.