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passing an xml file through (14 posts)

  1. sskhalsa
    Posted 18 years ago #


    If I wanted to place sitemap.xml in the root directory, what should I add to the .HTACCESS file in order to accomplish this?


  2. sskhalsa
    Posted 18 years ago #


    please, I really need to know how to do this!

  3. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    SSK, I have on my todo list for later today on sitemap support so I'll check then later on. (I do hosting and can't open my support ticket system from there but I'm not planning on beng too busy today with Mother's day weekend and all that)

    I'll see if I can mess around with this later today for you.

    One question though. Are we talking about a sitewide sitemap or one for individual blogs?


  4. sskhalsa
    Posted 18 years ago #

    actually, I am trying to do 2 things at the moment.

    1. Have a sitemap.xml for the main WPMU site that is autogenerated by a WP plugin be place in the root directory (this is recommeneded by google for better results)

    2. I have been acceppted at and need to place an xml file there as well in order to use the service.

    Thanks for taking the time. have a nice weekend

  5. sskhalsa
    Posted 18 years ago #


  6. samchng
    Posted 18 years ago #

    drmike has been pretty active, he may need more time sskhalsa. Sorry I can't help you in this, but a sitemap is a good feature to have.

  7. sskhalsa
    Posted 18 years ago #

    ok no problem, i just dont want to get this thread buried

  8. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    For a good time, see here. Podz is after me too today.

    It's on my todo list. I want to get sitemaps in there as well as deal with the issue with wpmu-feed not working correctly. There's something up with the .htacess file.

  9. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Um, anyone have a copy of Arne Brachhold's Sitemap generator. His site is down and we only have version2 installed over here.

  10. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    This is what I'm currently using for my .htaccess file. I found bits and parts of it around the forum and it fixes the not being able to view the pictures issue and the errors on comments issue. I haven't been getting the issue with the trailing slash but I put that in there. (It doesn't fix my WPMU-Feed issue. Pity)

    Now, I've installed sitemap into my /plugins subdirectory and activiated it. (I like how you can do it for individual blogs) It works fine. Only one problem though. It always puts the sitemap.xml file into /wp-inst/

    I would like to drop it into /blogs.dir/$(whatever number the blog is) but I can't get that to work though. (Doesn't help that WPMU assigns the new blogs as nobody and as 644. Having to get tech support to do a CHMOD for me as I'm on a terminal and can't SSH into it. They're loving me today. :)

    I guess for the time being you can use that plugin that allows the admin to activate plugins for specific blogs and just use it on your own blog. I'm still working on this.

    I do not see a method of doing it sitewide though for all of the blogs in question. I can think of a method (ie build the file one right after another) but that's probably going to require a rewrite of the plugin.

    Well, it's a start.

  11. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I was a having a few htaccess problem, but when I switched to ITDamager's htacces they all magically went away.

  12. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Yeah, I'm using some of that as well. I'm beginning to wonder if my problems are due to some of the subdirectories that MU created on setup aren't 777's.

    I can SSH tomorrow and have complete control over what I'm doing so maybe I can figure something out. I would like to be able to offer sitemaps to my clients.

    edit: If I could get some errors to export so I could see where it's looking for the file....

  13. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Now that I am able to kick out sitemaps as per this thread, although I still wonder about the placement of the sitemaps, I am able to pull them right up without any issue using the modified .htaccess file we've discussed earlier.

    I'm working on the verify file now. :)

  14. demonicume
    Posted 17 years ago #

    does anyopne know what happened to TLA? i'm using their plugin.

About this Topic

  • Started 18 years ago by sskhalsa
  • Latest reply from demonicume