I've written a post on how to make a VERY basic widget, and also provided the blank framework for one.
If you've ever just wanted to be able to paste code in a widget and have it show up, here ya go. Or even turn a plugin function call into a widget, that too.
Nice article andrea! Thanks for sharing!
This works great! thank you very much. Can someone elaborate a bit on how to add an option to this? to receive user input when adding and get that data to the widget.
If you look at the next widget I released, it takes input from the user.
Study that, and you should be able to figure it out.
Can you do a framework for buddypress?
Posted 15 years ago #
link appears dead.
interesting topic, anyone have follow up?
Both of the links above work fine. I just tested them.
is it possible to have a global widget that is NOT removable? without hardcoding all the templates?
Posted 15 years ago #
I mis-spoke before, the link wasn't directly from this post but in the first tutorial posted.
When I go to http://wpmututorials.com/plugins/build-your-own-widget/
and click the link for http://wpmututorials.com/files/2009/01/build-a-widget.txt it gives 404.
Thanks, duly noted.
Also, I need to update that post as it's even easier to make widgets now.
Posted 15 years ago #
Love your work Andrea :) I follow you from forum to forum sometimes without looking for you at all lol
I'm trying to follow in the footsteps of those such as yourself!