I have a muwp install (latest version WordPress MU 2.6.5) I have installed the LDAP (wpDirAuth 1.3) plugin. My install is on a company intranet with the look to allow selected users to have their own 'blogs'. The solution needs to be extensible and it appears muwp fits the bill nicely. We want to allow users to comment on posts (but must be traceable to who said what, hence the LDAP plugin)
I have installed the 'pick_a_blog' plugin which should allow a user in the profile screen to change primary blogs but this doesnt seem to allow me to do so or work consistantly.
I am happy that its all working as expected now, setup with subfolders, themes seem to be ok so far, no new registrations(due to the ldap route) etc.
I have the root blog and a sub blog.
So, the problem:
When a user wants to comment they have to login. This means the login screen, and they enter their company username and password which logs them in no problems...(root or sub)
However, the WP account that gets setup in the backend is attached to which ever blog they were commenting on first.
So should I want to make a user an Author of the sub blog after thay have logged in to comment on the root blog, I cannot find any option to change/add which blog is there primary blog so cannot change there privelidges from subscriber to Author. The user simply doesn not show in the sites user tab. (Although it allows them to comment ok)
After this when ever the user logs in they get automatically sent to the dashboard of the associated registration blog, not nessarily the one they were looking at before they logged in.
Is there a way to differentiate users/their roles between blogs?
And how do I change which blog users can be the author/other role for?
Any suggestions / help would be greatly appreciated as i feel so close to getting what is required from this system.