is it possible to have my google adsense displayed in all user blogs and if so how would i do it
is it possible to have my google adsense displayed in all user blogs and if so how would i do it
Yes it's possible. You'll have to modify in your WPMU installation to include the Google Ads.
Copy and paste it into each theme? (ie sidebar)
I would suggest copying and pasting it like I have it on my main blog but to do that it took six edits. Do it in the sidebar, it's only one.
is there any code i need to put before the google ads as when i pasted the code in they did not show
Could you stick up your code somewhere where we can see what you've done? That's the best way to tell you what's off.
I wouldn't paste it here as bbpress has a habit of stripping stuff out even when you use the backticks and you're file will probably be huge.
Throw up a google.txt file in your root and paste it to that and I'll or someone else will take a look.
i have put it at the bottom
Hmm, I'm still learning on WPMU's setup here and it's 404ing for me. Probably in the htaccess file which looks like a mess to me although for good reason.
I hate to ask but could you email it to me and I'll look at it that way please?
theapparatus ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com
I'm changing computer labs here shortly so it may be a few minutes before I get back to you.
link works now
And I got your email and sent you back the reply.
I'm thinking that because the code is placed outside of the sidebar div tags, the browser doesn't know where to put it. With CSS you can pretty much place stuff on the browser screen but since it was outside of the div marks, it wouldn't show up where the poster wanted it to be.
Still kind of strange for it to not show up at all though.
I suggested that he or she place the script within the sidebar div tags. Hope this will help.
I just pasted the code right into the sidebar--thats all the work it took for me.
AFAIK you have to edit the sidebar (or the header, footer or whatever) of every theme if you want it to appear on every blog.
I'm not sure if there is also a way using filters/actions and writing a plug-in that does add it to all pages.
managed it thanks
I've always thought that themes should just design AdSense into the functions.php file so that when a person installs the theme, they can specify the account they're using and layout (including color coordination) just happens. Of course, if the user doesn't have an account, the design displays without the ads.
Hi Guys
I'm NEW Mu and PHP.
When i attempted to paste in the default sidebar I got an error message "unable to display page" or something like that.
any ideas?
Many thanks
You should make a small php file with only your adsense code, and call it in your themes, that way, if you need to make an edit, you just edit one file instead of every single theme.
Thats just stupid who the heck wants the exact same look on all ads? that will only look stupid and obvious MFA, you should integrated the ads and give them theme like colors and form
Thank you all.
I appreciate everyone's help.
I know my next question is very routine, but I just want to hear some confirmation as my first try failed.
How can I put an ad at the Top of every default page?
Once again thank you all.
Bloggproffs, dude, its not stupid, it depends on the way you want to implement it, if you create a new top bar, that has a couple of useful links and an ad, then it should be the same color for all themes, it is just relative to the use you want to give it.
uhm, if u create a topbar the bar would be site-wide? atleast for the ones that has choosen to install the plugin, ergo you only need to put the ad in one file no need for include.