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WP to Twitter Plugin Without Dashboard Settings (5 posts)

  1. scotm
    Posted 16 years ago #


    I'm aware of the many plugins that enable WP to Twitter posting and vica versa, but I can't find a solution that enables the user to update their Twitter settings without visiting the admin dashboard.

    I am using a version of Prologue theme and am trying to keep users from visiting the dashboard, enabling plugins, etc. Does anyone have ideas on how you could enable this via the post form in Prologue, for example, or via a widget in the sidebar that would allow you to provide your Twitter settings? is pretty close to what I'm talking about, but it still requires you to make the post twice. Ideally once a user provides their Twitter user/password all posts would then be cross-posted to their Twitter account.

    WPMU rules...


  2. scotm
    Posted 16 years ago #


  3. Trent
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Bumping threads is bad form. It means that anyone that would know the answer has seen the thread yet or no one knows of such a solution. All solutions I know of have the settings for twitter accounts set in the dashboard of the blog in question. If you setup your blogs to have xmlrpc setup, then there might be a twitter based solution, not blog based.

  4. scotm
    Posted 16 years ago #


    Thanks for the input.

  5. grfxboy
    Posted 15 years ago #


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