just stumbled upon this page http://wpmupremium.com
seems itneresting to read on the first glance.
just wanted to check with you if anyone knows who these guys are?
just stumbled upon this page http://wpmupremium.com
seems itneresting to read on the first glance.
just wanted to check with you if anyone knows who these guys are?
No idea. Just know the actual guys at http://premium.wpmudev.org that started incsub and edublogs.org .... Never heard of that one until now.
Found them last week, don't recognize anyone.
If they were smart, they'd make themselves known here, and to the community at large. (that's a hint. A big one.)
Getting a bit of a cough there tdjcbe :)
Seems they only have the one theme, nice though it is
They downloaded it, I recognize it.
At January, 12 I sent some questions to http://premium.wpmudev.org through their contact form. I immediatly get the automatic notification, that they recieved my message, all is right. But I don't get the answers...
Maybe, somebody from WPMU DEV Premium is the member of this forum and will answer on my questions there? Today I must get the plastic card and in the nearest 1-2 days I want to get the premium account. In my message were some questions about what I will get (just want to know some more info, before I will pay the money for it).
And I am in fear: will you recieve my money or not. It will be my first acquaintance with PayPal.
Please, if somebody know the humans from WPMU DEV Premium - invite them in this topic. Thanks a lot.
Sorry for my bad English, it is not my native language.
Hi shlyapka,
We typically respond to every email that comes through. We may not have received it for some reason. If you want to send it again we'll be happy to answer any questions you might have.
As for wpmupremium.com, we're (Incsub/Edublogs) definitely not affiliated with them. We most definitely don't own the rights to the word "premium" but you would think they would have chosen an original name for a new service.
andrewbillits, thanks you for instantaneous answer there.
I sent the message to you 3-5 minutes ago.
Replied via email.
(sorry for semi-hijacking the thread guys)
@andrea_r - the theme is based on the wpcoda and blue coda themes for WordPress standard.
I wonder if they will pop on and say hi here :) Won't hold my breath though.
Hi guys!
My name is Mark, a British guy living in Kuala Lumpur, and am the master administrator over at WPMUPremium.com - sorry for the late reply, have been on holiday (Chinese New Year here in Malaysia) visiting the in-laws, which is one of the rare occasions where I am actually un-plugged...
http://wpmupremium.com is where we plan to sell support for premium Wordpress MU theme and advanced plug-in development.
http://wpmupremium.com/news/ is a Wordpress News and Updates blog regarding free plug-ins, themes, hacks and more for Wordpress and Wordpress MU. This site also acts as a demo for one of the themes we are developing and presently beta testing via the site itself...
The theme we are using on our homepage (WPMUPremium.com) is based upon the "blue coda" theme, with heavy modifications and re-written code to not only make it Wordpress MU compatible, but also to give it tones of options on the back-end, and is not a theme that we plan to sell – far from it, we plan to sell support for theme development, but the “WPMU Portlet” theme which we developed ourselves and is being used on http://wpmuprmeium.com/news/ is one of the themes we will be supporting and or providing to developers for use on their own projects…
As a side-note, I would like to point out that I presently work for a digital design and web management company here in Malaysia, with a group of us (from the company and other freelancers throughout Asia) working on WPMUPremium as a "pet" project... This has unfortunately made it quite difficult to get everything together as quickly as we would have liked, and to be honest, up until this point, we have been working in stealth mode, not yet ready to officially announce ourselves to the world...
However, it would seem that circumstance has given me and the team here at WPMUPremium an unexpected opportunity to introduce ourselves, so as such, we would like to welcome any further questions you might have and suggest you post here or send us an email at info@wpmupremium.com should you like any specific information before it becomes available on our site within the coming weeks…
Many thanks for any and all support offered – we felt it was time that the Wordpress MU market got the same stylish attention that the Wordpress community is getting, and since we love Wordpress MU (not to mention BuddyPress), we felt it was time we put that love to good use!
Yours sincerely;
:-) welcome Mark!
Welcome onboard :)
There's no secrets around here for long. :) Hiya!
Hi Mark. Have to admit though that it's interesting that you picked a name for your company that's along the same lines of one of the other companies that provide support for wpmu.
To be fair, it is pretty generic.
I can see it causing confusion tho.
I agree.
A: You should get the plugin from wpmu premium.
Q: Do you mean wpmu premium or wpmupremium?
lol, yeah it isn't exactly a trademarked name... Plus if you count this I can only think of two. premium.wpmudev.org and wpmupremium.com slightly confusing but not too terribly similar... :)
Agree but I point you to the recent "multiple database" and "sitewide tags" threads to show that we already have this problem.
Have to admit that this bit set me off:
At long last, someone is finally breathing life into the WordPress Multi-User Premium Market,
Agree but I point you to the recent "multiple database" and "sitewide tags" threads to show that we already have this problem.
Have to admit that this bit set me off:
At long last, someone is finally breathing life into the WordPress Multi-User Premium Market,
And this is flat out wrong:
we're the people responsible for the wordpress mu premium market place
Um, no, you;re not.
As I said earlier, we definitely don't own the word "premium" ;)
However, the domain and some of the phrasing combined seems a bit off and is just a bit confusing to users overall.
That being said, we welcome the competition.
@andrew - maybe a re-brand into "The premium wpmu premium" is in order :)
I think I'll go and create a site at premiumwpmu.com and really confuse people... ;)
@xenon2050: If that's the way you want to play it, I'll grab premiumwpmupremium.com :)
NoWeRePremiumWPMu.com :)
I think you can understand that.
Oh http://wpmupremium.net isn't taken, maybe I'll use that.. ;)
I leave the forums for 24 hours and this thread gets 50 replies. The forums are super busy lately. Interesting....
People must be bored today.
Hey, I'm busy working... I only posted a couple times. :D