347+ emails, 200+ support tickets, and who knows how much left to do in the forums.
347+ emails, 200+ support tickets, and who knows how much left to do in the forums.
be warned, i plan to exploit security flaws in your install, hack your DBs and swap all your headers to further confuse people.
I looked but didn't see anything that would make me think 'premium' like I do the real Premium site
To all that welcomed us with open arms and a cheeky smile or two, we’d like to say we are truly appreciative of your support and apparent warmth.
To be completely honest with you all, we picked-out the name based upon what made the most sense for what we were doing and how we wanted to be later discovered and or remembered as and were not thinking of how anyone else – other than the end users – felt about what we were doing. We always assumed a bit of mystery, confusion and good SEO practices were the correct way of doing things, so the thought of calling ourselves Eykoo or some other completely meaningless word that no one else was using never crossed our minds, and for that, we are very sorry for offending anyone or evoking any form of revolt…
We fully support Xenon2050’s suggestion of registering premiumwpmu.com – what a cool idea – if we had bags of cash lying around, it would be right up there on top of our list of things to do, but instead, if anyone has faith in us, please feel free to buy them and sell them back to us at an a extremely inflated price later once we do have plenty of bags of cash lying around…
Not meaning to sound too cheesy by using words such as cool, rad, or groovy, by tdjcbe’s statement suggesting that we were not responsible for the wordpress mu premium market place is the most wicked-cool-groovy comments of all, for we would welcome those that are responsible, that is if any one person can ever truly be responsible for anything without an audience validating whether it is what it says it is to change their tag-line to “we’re the ones that are really responsible”, for in our opinion, there really is no sign of a premium Wordpress MU market-place at this moment, especially if the thought of one or two individuals alone is an actual market-place, and as such; we hope to popularize the necessity and benefits of participating in premium Wordpress Mu development, so in truth, only time will tell if we are or are not responsible for its growth…
It’s funny, but we always believed everything we saw on the TV was the truth, and ended up buying products that were not exactly what they said they were, so because of this, we are certain the practices must have rubbed off on us, either that or we did not have enough inspiration to come-up with something more creative – the jury is still out on that one…
But fun comes to an end when reading things such as those mentioned by “demonicume” for it really worries us that people can be so spiteful, or perhaps it’s just part of the fun when involved with community spirit – especially when it’s the semi-anonymous online kind – and to be honest – we are knew to forum life, which is why we plan to always be up-front, honest and at all times open to questions, comments and criticism with those that welcome our assistance and value the interaction.
To anyone who may feel we have overstepped our grounds or have done some other unforgivable thing such as using a word that is owned by someone else despite the fact that words are free, please suck on smelly eggs and call yourself a Muppet if you like the smell of grilled cheese!
But to be fair, grilled cheese does taste good…
Lol, you're funny :)
Heck, I think we picked 'Premium' 'cos that was what most 'pay for WP' stuff seems to be called, so no monopoly at all.
Although it would have added to the amusement value if you had called it qweebi or zytagoral or similar :D
I echo Andrew, competition is a good thing, and it also helps to reinforce the validity of WPMU as a choice for big players, so goodonyamaythebestfellaorgalwin.
Otherwise this thread is the best thing I've read in weeks, keep it goin'!
Thanks for that Farms - your approval means a lot, especially as your tag-line is clearly an honest one and that you guys are the original WPMU development agency, and up until now, the only bloody one! :-)
Yourself and Andrew have been doing a lot to promote Wordpress MU and hope that we can help fuel the interest of others, doing so through communication such as this...
We have a long way left to go and a lot to do with our site to get us started and ready for an official launch, but in the meantime, may the force be with us all as we approach these economically unsound yet seemingly opportune times...
And just for you "tdjcbe", we'd like to point out that thanks to the flexibility of the theme we are using, as of today, we have changed our opening sentence from:
"we're the people responsible for the wordpress mu premium market place, developing cutting-edge themes and more!"
"we'd like to think we're responsible for the wordpress mu premium market place - developing cutting edge wpmu tools!"
How does that sit with you...? :-)
Answers on a postcard please...
Perhaps I'm a tool for thinking it would be at all suitable, let alone snazzy using the word tool, but "themes and more" is too long now that we've edited things for "tdjcbe"...
@wpmupremium, Please when are you going to make some buddypress plugins or port wordpress plugins to BP,because I need an array of buddpress plugins which I'd join the premium account?
@gpo1 - BuddyPress development is third down on our list, right after finishing off our website and releasing WPMU Portlet - would suggest you subscribe to our RSS Feed (http://feeds2.feedburner.com/wpmupremium) for more information...
Nonetheless, what kind of things are you after, or would you rather keep it a trade secret for now...?
The best BuddyPress resource we have so far found is:
Perhaps they can help in the meantime...
Oh well... Never saw buddypressdev.org before.
Looks like we gonna have plenty of pluginnamedev.org's soon :)
Upload Video,events & social chat room plugins for now on BP!
I for one welcome our new corporate overlords. :D
Good site, no i don´t know, where are these guys :-(.
Wow, I leave for 18 hours and we move to the second page.
Sounds like the site will be great!
Welcome to the swamp! It is exciting to see during the economic slowdown there is still room for expansion in some things! Good luck to you :)
@gpo1 - hope someone is able to help with the BP plug-ins whilst we continue to get things going...
@andrer_r - is it that obvious...? :-)
@seychellenfirma - we are based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
@trent - thanks for the encouragement
If you're going to violate WordPress' license and build an illegal business, you should withdraw yourself from all WordPress.org sites.
may I ask what you are referring to? what specific part of their website has angered you? you can't just make accusations without saying what specifically you dislike or don't agree with or what law or command they have broken, even if you are the "key master" here.
I am in no way affiliated with those guys and I don't agree with them selling one wp theme for 99$ but neither do I like this bully-style you are showing with your last post.
That surprises you, Ovidiu?
Don't expect an answer from Matt though. Besides the fact that this is the first time he's posted here in over a year, even though he's always in the forums, he doesn't respond to complaints about developer or employee conduct. He told me recently that he "doesn't care" about such complaints.
By the way, Matt, does this mean we'll be fixing the long outstanding licensing issues with Akismet? Or are you going to follow your own suggestion and "bow out"?
"build an illegal business" Hmm. strong words there - want to elaborate?
I never really put to much faith in philosophy. It was all a bit arty farty for me. :)
In fact as far as I can see (IANAMR - I am not a mind reader) the site doesn't mention GPL (or non GPL), but it does say (on their one and only product):
That’s right…
For only US$ 99; you can use this theme on as many projects as you like,
pull it apart and do whatever you like with the source files and footers!
So which part of that says it isn't GPL?
Which part of that is illegal?
Let's say the files above *are* GPL, and they are just charging for access. How would that be different than Brian Garder's Revolution themes? They are supported by The Powers That Be, they're GPL, but you DO have to PAY to even download them.
Don't see a difference here.
I think Matt may have been referring to the fact that wpmupremium.com is almost trying to portray themselves as being wpmu.
At first, it's not initially obvious what exactly they are trying to do or sell...it's almost as if they are claiming they are just a "better" or "premium" version of WPMU.
On the other hand, wpmudev and Brian's Revolution (now StudioPress) themes make it clear that they are selling WordPress "products"...not WordPress itself.
Of course I could just be missing the point too...
Matt is really against Premium themes (and plugins) with non-GPL licenses. That's his point.
If I was wpmupremium.com (if that's who he's aiming it at, because it isn't entirely clear) I'd actually be consulting my lawyer at the moment as his comment (without explanation) is bang out of order in my opinion (as well as not being a mind reader, I'm also not a lawyer).
Firstly – we would just like to admit what an honor it is to finally meet you Matt, even if it is only a digital encounter and under these kind of circumstances. Yourself and Michael Arrington were inspirations for us in our early days, and have enjoyed your various interviews and podcasts – again, inspiring…
Nonetheless, the “premium market” is not going away – and for now, that market is focused on Wordpress…
Premium developers (with the present Zeitgeist these may be better known as Wordpress Premium Developers or Wordpress Rockstars) who are amongst the few that are truly pushing the boundaries of the platforms that they develop on, and it’s making the people excited – perhaps more so than the platform itself, especially now that everyone is already convinced the platform is a solid reliable one with many cool features, perhaps too many to mention…
“One of the most important aspects of WordPress is the freedom of use that it provides…” – a freedom that will always exist…
People can use Wordpress freely, they can use free themes or they can freely choose to use premium themes that are fully supported.
No one is forcing anyone to do anything. People need support. Support takes time. Time costs money.
If Wordpress continues their attack towards premium services without offering a solution that they themselves can control and in-turn keep everyone happy (such as releasing a Premium Wordpress package that allows premium developers to develop premium services and or products), some other bright spark will beat you to it, because premium development is not going to ever disappear, it’s just a case of what platform it will be developed for…
What happens when someone releases CMS Premium, which has no license of any kind and can be used by premium developers in whatever way they want…?
At the moment, there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that Wordpress is the King of The Hill – combined with Buddypress, it goes beyond words…
@cafespin – in fact, at this stage, we do not even have one product – but we do have 3 themes close to completion and a plug-in that’s going to really make the mind boggle, but in truth, we were not even thinking about including any kind of license – we want to offer support, but only want to support things that we truly understand, which means it will in most cases more than likely be things that we have developed – but ideas are not for sale – neither is code – the only thing we want to sell is our support…
Except with gMaps (the geo-blogging theme we are developing), but that was developed for a specific client who specifically asked us to try and sell it, but before it launches, we want to make sure it’s all functioning smoothly and has been thoroughly field tested…
You’ve got a point though, it would be interesting to know which part of it is illegal, but that’s half the point – nobody really knows…
@benny1418148 – thanks for the compliments! Is that not marketing…?
Either way, as we keep pointing out, we are still in the midst of setting things up and defining who we are and what we do and anyone visiting the site so far has found out about us through Google or God (or any other entity that one might prey to) knows how they found us before we found ourselves, but they did…
Fun stuff for sure… :-)
Thanks again to everyone for the buzz – much appreciated…
I could just imagine a lawyer in Malaysia prepping for a Wordpress battle – the first thing they might ask is what’s a blog…
I usually don't participate in discussions of this kind as I'm not strong in all these GPL and other peculiarities...
OK, google.com is free to use, right? But you have to pay your ISP, right? :) Of course, you may not pay your ISP and buy a satellite dish and transceiver - it's up to you.
PHP is free to use. But if you don't know PHP - you pay someone to code for you, right? Of course, you can learn PHP and code yourself - it's up to you...
In my understanding, GPL pertains products, not services. If I create a plugin and I want to sell it - I state that I sell my work (time spent, whatever), and it's actually a service.
Sorry to jump in...
@VentureMaker, I've sent you an email... regarding Kaltura plugin.
gpo1, reply sent :)
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