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anyone knows these guys: ? (71 posts)

  1. wpmupremium
    Posted 15 years ago #

    That Kaltura platform rocks...

    We hear it should be going OpenSource soon...

    Can either of you confirm this nugget...? :p

  2. cafespain
    Posted 15 years ago #

    @wpmupremium - the title on the page for it says "Open source" but other than that I haven't looked through the site that much.

  3. cafespain
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Maybe it was just a general - I have something to say so I'll post it somewhere type of thing.

    Because in isolation it is an accurate statement:
    "If you're going to violate WordPress' license and build an illegal business, you should withdraw yourself from all sites."

    It's just when it's aimed at someone with no back up information, that it becomes an issue.

  4. cafespain
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Seems like I'm talking to myself here. Oh, well, I'm used to it.

    I guess this means we are not going to get a response from Matt regarding his inflammatory statement.

  5. mark-k
    Posted 15 years ago #

    wpmupremium, kaltura gave a presentation in wordcamp israel about 4 months ago in which they said that they will open source their server platform. However I fail to see how they will be able to make money if the server is free, unless they want to stop being a software startup and become a service oriented company, which IMHO is not a very good direction to follow for a startup.
    In other words, I don't believe it will happen.

  6. BashCoder
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Wow - odd discussion! Got weird fast, thanks to Matt. This particular GPL issue was resolved YEARS ago with Red Hat, et al.

    But the real issue is this: I have found precisely zero open source community development efforts moving forward with unified themes for WPMU/BuddyPress/BBPress. So while all three are projects are listed in every footer of this site, there doesn't seem to be anything brewing yet on that front - except for a couple premium sites that see this obvious vacuum as an opportunity, which it is. You'd think the three projects would have started with integration in mind, and worked from a common base theme at the very least.

    So it seems to me that if the community would actually start developing this stuff, all would embrace it - including the premium guys. A coordinated effort to port the best-of-the-best free themes to unified WPMU/BuddyPress/BBPress is a no-brainer. The rising tide would lift all ships, including WPMU itself.

    In the mean time, it's dumb to squash what little innovation and entrepreneurship is happening so far. WPMU itself is apparently developed in a cathedral and not a bazaar, so with that we should be thankful that any semblance of a bazaar is even emerging, commercial or free.

  7. gpo1
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Kaltura platform is good for Buddypress,and I've even contacted their support team and they are willing to help out.
    If any problems adapting it as a buddypress plugin.
    Maybe some guru,can take-up this project?

  8. wpmupremium
    Posted 15 years ago #

    @cafespain - sorry for leaving you hanging like that, my bad - was off sick for a day and lost track of what was cooking.

    We were talking about the Community Edition, which is the OpenSource server they claim they are releasing soon, but mark-k has a very good point, which we are now starting to believe but nonetheless hope he is wrong! :p

    @BashCoder - some very interesting points, let's hope someone listens to them...

    @gpo1 - maybe one day - just hope someone picks up the slack and joins the fun whilst we are working on our other projects...

  9. gpo1
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I've got the kaltura guy twitter name,but don't think I'd display it here....hint,hint.

    @mark-k, has a valid point,but does it mean that any version can't be adapted for buddypress?

    Free or not its so far the best solution for BP.

    Maybe, some php guru could start this project and some funds would be given?

  10. matt
    Key Master
    Posted 15 years ago #

    There's nothing wrong with selling things, but your license should be GPL.

  11. wpmupremium
    Posted 15 years ago #

    If we had a license, it would certainly be GPL, which would allow anyone receiving those files to then distribute them as they see fit - and in turn keeping things OpenSource, but what are your thoughts on no licenses at all...?

    The legality of not licensing is a topic we plan to look into, just for our own curiosity if anything else...

    Once again, we cannot thank you enough for your efforts in life and truly appreciate you taking the time to show an interest...


About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by Ovidiu
  • Latest reply from wpmupremium