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[SOLVED] Write permissions on a single blog (3 posts)

  1. cafespain
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Ok gang, I've got a weird one (which I only just spotted whilst playing with wp-super-cache, but don't think that is the problem).

    I have Litespeed webserver picking up all domains (* in the listener) not specified elsewhere and sending them to the MU installation.

    So all MU sites are served by the same 2.6.5 installation. Distinct domains are created using the multi-site plugin.

    Wp-super-cache is now working on all blogs on the installation EXCEPT a single domain. When I go to the cache settings page it says it doesn't have write access to the wp-content directory. I also can't upload files from the backend of that single domain (and sub-domains of it).

    Note: Everything is running off the same web server, in the same MU installation and all are working except this single domain.

    Any ideas?

  2. cafespain
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Ok this one is solved, sort of :)

    I created a new virtual host for this domain, so obviously the wildcard listener isn't working correctly for write permissions (though everything else is).


  3. cafespain
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Solved part two:
    Ok you apparently can't have a wildcard listener pointing to a standard virtual host, or pointing to a non-instantiated virtual host.

    So for your catch-all in litespeed:
    1) Instantiate a virtual host with the domain *
    2) Add a listener looking for * to point to the new virtual host
    3) If your mu is already in existence and has it's own virtual host, then just point the Virtual Host Root of your new wildcard virtual host at the existing installation directory

    Fingers crossed that should be it, thanks to Donnchas wp-super-cache for providing the error message that sent me off on my hunt.

About this Topic

  • Started 16 years ago by cafespain
  • Latest reply from cafespain