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Anarchy Media Plugin (70 posts)

  1. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Hi all,

    I've got a simple javascript plugin I'd like to put through the hoops in WPMu. Installs in mu-plugins and just adds a javascript to the blog header which changes all simple href links to mp3, flv and mov files into embedded players.

    I've got it working on my WPMu install at Hidden Shoal eZine

    You can download it at An-archos

    Just edit anarchy.js to point to your mu-plugins directory then add a link to a media file on any blog post or page.

  2. samchng
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Are we looking at something like podpress?

    Anyway has anyone got podpress to work in MU yet?

  3. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Podpress would be awesome but ... I'd certainly be interested to hear of anyone getting it working within Mu. The plugin I've been working on allows any user in Mu to simply add a href link to an mp3, flv or mov on a post or page and have a Flash or QT player show the content. It's basically a no frills pod and vid-cast plugin.

    It seems to work fine from mu-plugins on my install as all it does is add a javascript to the header, which is handy if you have 100+ themes and dont want to individually edit every single header.php

  4. samchng
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Appreciate your good work there zeug, but I would prefer Podpress too. :)

  5. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Have you had a look at what's involved with Podpress? Would need some major hackage for the db calls and file + rss management. I wouldn't know where to begin.

    But I'd be interested in feedback if anyone wants to give my simple hack a thorough thrashing. It's much simpler than podpress and simple is good for net newbies. Can seriously stretch your bandwidth though if u unleash vids for everyone.

  6. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    If anyone would like to test drive the second draft of some gui buttons for publishing swf, dcr, google video, youtube and i-film there's a new version of anarchy media player for mu on my test mu server. Just unpack into mu-plugins and it's installed.

    Google etc take video id's and the swf embeds are handled by FlashObject javascript.

    Simple href links such as "send to editor" will publish mp3, flv, mov, mp4, m4v, m4a, m4b, 3gb, wmv and possibly avi and asf. All the object/embeds are also handled by javascript.

    It uses Advanced WYSIWYG Editor from to hook into the rich editor, not sure why but the default set killed buttonsnap on my install... which is a few weeks old. But it can also enable various of the plugins.

    It's a little Frankenstein's monster of other people's coding, hopefully reasonably secure and shouldn't completely destroy your Mu install :)

  7. suleiman
    Posted 18 years ago #

    zeug, I also mentioned this in the buttonsnap buttons not working thread, but I wanted to let you know: The buttons for bold, italics, and underline do not appear in your WYSIWYG editor.

    I ran into the same problem when trying to use a third party WYSIWYG editor, and found that I got those text formatting buttons back (but obviously lost the other ones) when I disabled the 3rd party WYSIWYG editor and re-enabled the original TinyMCE editor.

  8. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Yeh, like I said it's a second draft and Mu is a moving target. The bold etc buttons weren't working on my install anyway and the WYSIWYG editor script didn't bring them back. A couple of people have mentioned missing buttons in Mu, I guess the move to tinymce 2.0.6 is still bedding down?

    But if you have a working install of Mu with all the gui buttons does the plugin disable your bold, underline and italic buttons?

  9. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    My test Mu editor is now working with bold etc buttons alongside the plugin. The problem seems to be in the Mu build of tinymce, see posting here.

  10. suleiman
    Posted 18 years ago #

    zeug, you may want to check your sitewide RSS feed. If you have anyone that's used this plugin recently then your RSS feed will probably fail to parse correctly.

    It's a big issue for me, because I was planning on using RSS to display the most recent posts on the site via the SiteFeed plugin.

  11. boetter
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Once this supports the sitewide feed I'll give this a try. Looks very promising!

  12. suleiman
    Posted 18 years ago #

    boetter, the newest version does support the sitewidefeed plugin.

  13. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Has anyone else experienced the same error I'm getting? I can get it to work perfectly fine on a test install. On a live install, it does everything it should - except insert the video buttons in the RTE. Yes, it changes the RTE - it just gets as far as adding the new video buttons and stops.

    And I really need a video plugin where the user can click a button. :D

  14. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Hi all,

    I'm working on a new version using tinyMCE external plugin buttons as Owen Winkler won't be updating buttonsnap for WP 2.1.

    I've got them loading to the rte, and am just getting through the tinyMCE template plugin at the moment to customize for the video buttons. Anyone here got a simple self-registering tinyMCE plugin I could drop a javascript call into? The online documentation and forums for this are rather ... sparse.

  15. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    FYI, just updated to version 1.65 of Anarchy Media Player for mu-plugins. Added Revver video and iTunes iMix embeds to everything else. The tinyMCE buttons seem stable and are now updated for 2.0.8 which just got added in WP2.1a3.

  16. suleiman
    Posted 18 years ago #

    is 2.0.8 in the MU trac yet malcolm?

  17. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Certainly is, and there are quite a few bug fixes in it as well.

  18. suleiman
    Posted 18 years ago #

    nice :)

  19. rodvaN
    Posted 18 years ago #

    hello zeug, this plugin would be really cool if it automatically isntall the buttons that you put on your site
    I cant manage to get them installed on the blogs, could you help me out?
    Thank you :)

  20. suleiman
    Posted 18 years ago #

    the latest one does install a single buttton rodvan. It's a yellow button with a V in the background.

  21. rodvaN
    Posted 18 years ago #

    With a V?, is there a plugin that jsut simply letme paste the whole embed code and jsut accept it like the wordpress 1.5?

  22. suleiman
    Posted 18 years ago #

    you just paste the url into the dialog box that pops up

  23. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I've got per blog admin options working for Anarchy Mu on a couple of my Mu's, both subdomain and subdirectory, if anyone would like to try the 2.0 beta.

    You can edit config.php to set some sitewide options as well as the default starting values for all the anarchy options. I've still to write some arrays for the get_option and update_option calls to the db but it seems okay as is. It's a full upgrade beta, all php files have been edited so maybe try it out on a demo version before dumping it on a big Mu audience. I haven't tested it on a busy server and can give no guarantees :)

  24. corourke
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I'm loving it. Testing the beta now and so far it's working great. Any chance of having added in as a choice. The only way I've found to do it is via this method (which some users are complaining about):

    1. Copy the embed link off of for the movie you want:

    embed tag atom

    2. Paste that link into notepad. (it should look like this:)

    <embed src=’’ width=’426′ height=’350′></embed>

    3. copy everything from http:// to hellholes (like this:

    4. remember the height and width numbers.

    5. In your post edit window click the Flash icon and then in the first window enter the link to the file. The next window asks for width so copy the width in, then click ok, the next window will ask for height, copy that in, click ok and you’re done. You’ll now display the video.

  25. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Hi Corourke,

    I can get this to work easy enough but the emebedded player I get just allows previews and to play the vid it takes you back to atomfilms ... is that what's sposed to happen?

  26. corourke
    Posted 18 years ago #

    yeah from what I gather that's atomfilms method of "embedding". They're almost like Microsoft interpreting a standard in a browser lol.

  27. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Well I've got it working ... for what it's worth. I can't see the point in just having previews tho, but hey, if that's what your users are into ... actually bugger them, I'll add it for you mate!

    Try the new zipped version + AtomFilms here

  28. corourke
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Fantastic work Zueg! Works perfectly for Atom. If you're ever in Portland, Oregon I owe you beer/soda/whiskey/etc.

    How hard is it to implement buttons on the html editor? I've got 2 users that "have no choice" (they also refuse to get Firefox and instead think IE is the king of browsers so it's really not that important to me lol)

  29. zeug
    Posted 18 years ago #

    They have "no choice" but to turn the rte off?

    But yes, been thinking about adding those back in, it's just a matter of deconstructing quicktags.js and whatever buttonsnap did with it ... oh, and time! If you can get me a simple how to example of a quicktag for wp 2.1 I'll have a go.

    And beer good, beer foamy, especially when it's past the century in the old fahrenheit scale. I'm literally on the other side of the planet though, maybe you could fedex me a crate? :)

  30. corourke
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I have a few users that have the idea that anything not at least 5 years old software wise must be bug ridden and not cool (they also fancy themselves "gibsonesque" hackers lol).

    Here's the quicktag tutorial link I use:

    Although using that to translate the strip/embed trickery you're doing makes my head hurt (or that might be the large number of Guinness pints and bushmills I had last night).

    Other side of the planet? Whereabouts, I'm supposed to galivant across a large swath of Europe next fall.

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