The MU forums have moved to

2.8? (34 posts)

  1. billdennis5
    Posted 15 years ago #

    So ... when will the new version be out? My clients are screaming for it.


  2. xenon2050
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Um, 2.7 just came out. So if thats what you are talking about go over to the download portion of the site. Otherwise I'm guessing it'll be sixish months till we get 2.8...

  3. mdvaldosta
    Posted 15 years ago #

    It was a joke... pretty good too :)

    WPMU 2.7 was a fabulous release, well worth the wait.

  4. ehegwer
    Posted 15 years ago #

    that didn't take long

  5. Trent
    Posted 15 years ago #

    That is quite amusing Bill, but I would imagine you will have to *duck* for that one ;)


  6. billdennis5
    Posted 15 years ago #

    So I suppose asking for a release date for 2.9 is out of the question?

  7. mdvaldosta
    Posted 15 years ago #

    My guess would be sometime before 3.0

  8. grandslambert
    Posted 15 years ago #

    But likely after 2.8.

    Sorry, had to join in just because it's Friday and I am counting the minutes before I get to go home. :)

  9. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Would have replied sooner but was checking flight time so I could visit Bill in person and smack him upside the head.


  10. billdennis5
    Posted 15 years ago #

    So ... my devious plan to meet andrea_r in person WORKED.


  11. tdjcbe
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Actually have clients asking about the 2.7.1 beta.

  12. billdennis5
    Posted 15 years ago #

    See what I mean? Tell Donncha to get the lead out.


  13. amejat
    Posted 15 years ago #

    More seriously... seems like wordpress 2.8 will be out before wordpress mu 2.7.1.

    Is there any way for Automattic team to synchronize both development and releases ?

  14. pumpkinpatch
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Although WP and WPmu share much of the code base, they are different products meant for different audiences. I am not sure why they should be released at the same time.

    WPmu follows plain WP because modifications/adaptations have to be made for the MU part of it. A smaller team works on MU, and there is a smaller user base for MU, so the testing and bug resolution takes longer. Looks reasonable...

    Besides, they also have to spend time on, so that the revenue keeps coming in and the company can pay the bills :) I personally would rather have a successful company with good offerings rather than a wonderfully great product supported by a weak company that might go under anytime.

  15. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    WP is almost always ahead of MU. (historicaly, there was a time when WPMU users got new things *before* did)

    And if you follow both, you'll realize there's an absolute TON of new stuff going into WP pretty much every day, with a huge userbase of users, patchers, hackers and developers.

    MU? Not so much. Remembers, there's *ONE* dev on MU. He has other job responsibilities, and relies on *our* help for bug fixes and patches.

    Also remember MU has been working close with buddypress dev to make sure they work well together. That doesn't happen in single WP, and recently that's been a big part of the "slowness" you're complaining about.

    And if I worked at a large place like Automattic? No way would I want to push out the free & competing version of my main moneymaker to the public as quick as possible.

  16. cafespain
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Patience is a virtue. But seriously, why are you bothered whether 2.8 is out on WordPress? You're using WordPress MU. It's a different application. Admittedly some of it looks the same, acts the same and uses similar code, but there is a lot of additional functionality that has to be added.

    If you want to use the functionality in WordPress 2.8 then use WordPress 2.8.

    I've only just got around to upgrading my servers to 2.7...

    When you have to think about 100's of blogs or 1000's of users, I'd rather have slow and stable than rapid releases and having to keep updating the system for bug fixes, etc..

  17. realchaos1
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I'd like to know when it will release too, 2.8 just released yesterday. I am bumping this thread because it is ranked on Google for "Wordpress Mu 2.8"

  18. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    A while.

  19. tdjcbe
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Hey, is 2.9 out yet? I have clients asking for it. :)

  20. Farms
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Personally I won't settle for anything less than 3.0!

  21. kingkong954
    Posted 15 years ago #

    2.7 was an incredible release, and I am under no rush to push out to 2.8....

    Take a needed break ;)

  22. webmaestro
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I was/am very happy with the WPMU 2.7 release. There was a relatively minor issue I've noticed where I couldn't archive/deactivate blogs when running w Batcache (Donncha & the Autommattic Support Network folks worked to quickly fix).

    In any case, we're apparently about to see the WordPress and WordPressMU merged at the CORE. WordPress and WordPress MU to Merge. There are huge ramifications involved with this (e.g., what happens with forums), and I don't know the full details.

    I doubt this will happen before WordPress 3.0 (notice that didn't reference 'WordPressMU 3.0' ;-). Details are somewhat shaky, so please do your own research to confirm.

  23. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Yes, we know,. :) A couple posts in here were joking.

  24. mattlay
    Posted 15 years ago #

    So I presume once they are merged at the core releases will be simultaneous or near it.

  25. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    When they are merged, there will be one release. There won't be a WPMU.

  26. earthmanweb
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I had read the merge was anticipated for the 2.8 release - has it been put off to a later release?

  27. Sushubh
    Posted 15 years ago #

    i am looking forward to the updates introduced in wordpress 2.8. i really like the tag insertion improvements... would love to have them for my mu install as well!

  28. wpmuguru
    Posted 15 years ago #

    The merge was not anticipated for 2.8. WP 2.8 had a release candidate before the announcement of merging in the future was made.

  29. lswilson
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I'm still using 1.5.

    kidding! :p

    Looking forward to 2.8, though. they've dropped in the latest version of jquery (1.3.2) -- which is cool, because the current version (1.2.6) is creating havoc for some folks with the BuddyPress avatar upload/crop feature...for those using BP.

  30. rhough
    Posted 15 years ago #

    With all of the effort that goes into each MU release, I think the development team should consider tracking with the .1 WordPress release, in this case, skipping 2.8 entirely and releasing MU with 2.8.1. It seems like it would take some of the pressure off.

    Since the 2.8.1 WordPress release is only a few weeks following the 2.8 release anyway, it hardly slows the MU release cycle. And, it seems like it would make each MU release even more secure and stable as a result.

    Maybe I am off base and the work that goes into MU 2.8 would have to be done anyway to get to 2.8.1?

    If that has been hashed out elsewhere, I apologize for this post.

    I really appreciate all of the effort it takes to make this software available to the general public. I can only guess at what it saves our school system each year by running teacher blogs on MU vs. another product.

    Thanks very much.


About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by billdennis5
  • Latest reply from r-a-y