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Multiple blogs using shared content table (4 posts)

  1. phishee
    Posted 15 years ago #

    To all:

    I have searched for an answer to this question but unfortunately have not found a direct answer.

    I have successfully set up Wordpress MU with multiple blogs but I want them to share the same posts / pages (wp_posts) for their main content. Is there a way to set up this scenario so that any content changes to site 1 are reflected in site 2, site 3, site 4, etc...because they share the main content database.

    Thanks for any and all help,
    Brandon (phishee)

  2. SteveAtty
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Why on earth would you want a pile of identical blogs under different subdomains or directories?

  3. tanvir
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Take a look on this one.. this may help you.

  4. phishee
    Posted 15 years ago #

    @SteveAtty: The reason - We want to be able to have one content editor make changes once and have the data be identical on all other subdomains. Then he can go in and tweak and customize the data per domain instance.

    @tanvir: Thanks, I do appreciate you taking the time to pass it along. I will take a look at it and see how it will meet our needs.

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