where can i download wordpress mu?
where can i download wordpress mu?
see the download link up there? yes, all nightly builds in there.
I downloaded the file from there, but it doesn have a install.php in the wp-admin folder.
this is the file i downloaded
wpmu-unstable.zip from http://blogs.linux.ie/download/wpmu/
and it doesn't have an install.php file. Then i tried the Wodpress 2.2 single version and it does have an install.php file.
Does anyone knows where to download the complete file for multiblogs?
Check the README.txt file in that download - it explains how to install.
I followed the instructions in the readme file and everything worked until the point on linking to install.php file. It is not there.
The download is missing the install.php file.
There is no Install.php file to my knowledge. It all gets set up by following the Read Me File and completing the instructions properly.
Though if your getting errors, try using a differnt nightly build and double checking that you have all the system requirements.