hi everyone!
i have a problem running Wordpress Mu, if i put this in a directory format everything works fine but in a subdomain format this cant create a subdomain.
my domain name is blespot.com
and there are 2 blogs already for testing:
test.blespot.com and tkt.blespot.com
in my last webhosting hosdtepartment everything works fine now i am in hostgator and this is my big problem:(
if you can help me resolve this problem i can pay 7 usd dollar via paypal thas all i have!
my msn is mha749@hotm.....
You can create your own blog to see how it works, the registration notification is disable.
Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english!
Posted 15 years ago #
can you please clear a bit about your problem?
Posted 15 years ago #
Most probably, your domain isn't support wildcard sub-domain.
Hi tanvit!
my wordpress mu is: blespot.com
when i create a blog account like http://www.test.blespot.com there is nothing in that path, i receive a welcome email and the info for the new blog but the new blog url test.blespot.com doesn't exist:P
i hope you can understand!
Posted 15 years ago #
your domain isn't support wildcard sub-domain. Ask your hoster to enable wildcard DNS and setup a proper ServerAlias.
To resolve the issue manually you have to u have to create the sub-domain then point them to the installation directory of WPMU.
You can use Multi Site Manager [http://wpmudevorg.wordpress.com/project/Multi-Site-Manager]
For details information: http://ma.tt/2003/10/wildcard-dns-and-sub-domains/
Thank you Tanvir! you are my hero:)
i ask to my hosting provider how can enable wildcard DNS and he say all i need to do is add * as a subdomain and point them to the installation directory as you say, now everything works fine!
Posted 15 years ago #
U welcome Aztecapride :)
btw ur nick is a damm tongue twister :D
lol i know hehe
Hey please let me know your paypal email:)
Posted 15 years ago #
ok... Thank you very much for you help! and sorry for my bad english.
have a nice day Tanvir!
Posted 15 years ago #
ya same to... have a nice weekend :)