We're running WP-MU 1.1.3.
Is there a plug-in or something that will allow me to schedule posts -- that is, draft them and set a timer for them to go live on a certain day and time?
Thanks, Ken Ward Jr.
We're running WP-MU 1.1.3.
Is there a plug-in or something that will allow me to schedule posts -- that is, draft them and set a timer for them to go live on a certain day and time?
Thanks, Ken Ward Jr.
No plugin needed. Edit the publish date to a point in the future.It will show up then.
This is standard WP stuff.
I must be doing something wrong. I tried that twice and it didn't work.
WP-MU 1.1.3. does not give an option to edit the "publish date." It does allow editing of the "time stamp" but when I've done that out into the future, it hasn't worked.
Any plans on upgrading? You are horrendously out of date.
Would love to upgrade...not my decision, though.
Need to find a way to make this work for now.
I suspect you wont be able to, and with an install this is so out of date you aren't likely to find anyone who can really help you.
You really should upgrade because 2.x has so many new features and a lot of the plugs are coded for it now and it is a lot more secure.
Plus, 2.x version allow you to schedule posts by simply changing the publish date, therefore fixing what you need. I doubt there are any plugins for this on the version you are running as I looked around, but didn't see any. Explain to the "powers that be" that to get what they want, they need to upgrade the install.
To put in in perspective, to go back that far to that version, it was released two years ago: