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i have a problem with upload images/media (11 posts)

  1. yair
    Posted 16 years ago #

    when i upload image,
    i dont see the image after upload
    wp say thay she put the image in

    note: no folder "files" on

    my setting like that
    in fields
    Upload Path = wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files
    Fileupload Url =

    what i need to do in my setting to fix it?

  2. williamsydu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I have the same problem.
    There are many sugguestions about the problem.
    But they don't work.

    One blog says you can change the folder in the admin page, but I can't the item. I use wp mu version 2.71 with centos 5.3.

    Will wp mu 2.8 fix this problem? I have researched many topic about this problem.

  3. Person
    Posted 15 years ago #

    The blog settings for upload path, fileupload url, and upload url path don't have any effect on where uploaded files are stored and what url rewrite is used for specific blogs in WPMU. (These are hardcoded in wpmu-functions.php and .htaccess)

    First off, is the rewritten url. This means that this is what appears in the link bar for the blog owner and visitors (think of it like a mask). In reality, the files are actually stored within /wp-content/blogs.dir/blogid/files/, so you should be looking for your image at the following path: /wp-content/blogs.dir/blogid/files/2009/02/46image2.jpeg

    If you're having trouble uploading, then at some point, something isn't working. Do you get any other error message? Is the file actually being uploaded? Have you tried using both the flash uploader and non-flash uploader? Can you access the file (real url) directly in your browser? Are permissions set correctly?

  4. tgriffin
    Posted 15 years ago #

    When I try to upload I get the follwoing error:

    Unable to create directory /var/www/vhosts/ Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    What should the permissions on blogs.dir look like? And blogs.dir is empty.


  5. delayedinsanity
    Posted 15 years ago #

    tgriffin, what do your permissions and ownership currently look like on blogs.dir/ ? If you're not sure how to check, ls -al will give you all the information you need, with the first column being your permissions, and the third and fourth telling you the user and group its owned by.

    In most situations, if not all, it should be owned by your webserver (usually 'www-data', but could be 'apache' or something else depending on your servers configuration) and chmod 755 (drwxr-xr-x) should be more than adequate.

  6. tgriffin
    Posted 15 years ago #

    My permissions for blogs.dir is

    drwxrwxrwx 2 apache apache 4096 Jun 17 13:07 blogs.dir

    Any help appreciated.


  7. delayedinsanity
    Posted 15 years ago #

    It's never advisable to have anything chmod 777, especially in your web root, so you might want to chmod 755 blogs.dir/ ... other than that, looks okay from here, maybe check your blogs.dir/2/ for the same information and make sure it hasn't been made unwritable for some reason?

  8. tgriffin
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Delayedinsanity - thanks for responding so quickly. I'm at a loss and my php chops clearly aren't up to the task of trying to customize something. I've had a programmer take a quick look but he didn't come up with anything obvious. Could it be an htaccess issue with my host? Host is Media Temple.


  9. tgriffin
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Should I create /blogid/files/ etc. as "person" above suggests?

  10. tgriffin
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Hi all, spent hours on this and so did my programmer. He concluded that it was some kind of odd set up with the host server, Media Temple. We moved the site to Rackspace and it functions fine after default far.


  11. irwnsyh
    Posted 15 years ago #

    same problem on me. I have read much topic at this forum n zero result. I was frustation. But, finally I am succes with this way.
    I try install wp-mu 2.6 first and then follow Upgrading WPMU at
    it's worked for me and have no problem with uploding image.

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