Posted 15 years ago #
I've managed to get MU 2.6.5 installed successfully but now I'm having trouble creating additional blogs. I can't use URLs like because of our security system. However, I could create new blogs if I could set them up as Is this possible?
Yes, it is possible, but you will have to reinstall and select the "subdirectory" type install instead of the "subdomain" install. Unfortunately, I don't know of a way to change it without doing a full reinstall.
Also, is there a reason you are installing 2.6.5 and not 2.7?
First make sure it's not in root directory.
You can restart Instead of reinstall but it will have mostly the same effect.
here's how Warning performing this procedure will cause you to lose your work.
delete the .htaccess file
delete wpconfig.php if one was created
drop the tables in the database
goto home page and start over.
If you are in cpanel there are tricks to get it in your root.
First put file in public_html. Change public_html to public_old than change wordpress_mu to public_html.
Or keep public_html and just change wordpress_mu file to index.html.
I don't understand your security problem but there are way's to put wpmu in your root and have a seperate home page.
Check out
Ps to have it you must put wordpress_mu into public_html than rename wordpress_mu to blog or what ever you wish /to be. this will give ofblog
Posted 15 years ago #
Thanks for the advice. I thought 2.6.5 was the latest version. I think my installer must've been broken because there was no option to select sub-directories. I've got it running now with 2.7 and it seems to work fine.