So I converted my website to WordPress MU, and things appear to have gone well so far, IE, it's working. ;)
Now it looks like somehow like an idiot I picked subdomains instead of subdirectories, and from what I gather from everyone's responses, I should simply reinstall.
I'm curious if the difference between the two is file related or database related, because at this point I'm not real sure I what my best plan of attack is to change that.
If it's in the DB, then reinstalling MU and performing a DB restore will bring back to step 1, if that makes sense?
What I'd really like to do is just convert from subdomains to subdirectories, and I'm comfortable diving into .htaccess and phpMyAdmin to do it. ;)
Next up, is the media upload structure is different from .org to mu. For my main blogs uploads, what directory names do I want my media settings pointing to, and then in each specific post, what directory do they point to there? upload_path or fileupload_path?
I'm not saying I didn't know better, and I'm not saying this is anyone's fault but my own, I can just see how I've backed myself into a corner and I'm looking for the best way out.
Thanks everyone!