Can't seem to fix this (2.7). The same message is displayed whichever feed address is set in options.
Anyone else having this, or is it just me? Can't find anything related and recent in the forums.
Can't seem to fix this (2.7). The same message is displayed whichever feed address is set in options.
Anyone else having this, or is it just me? Can't find anything related and recent in the forums.
I psoted the same here, shortly after wpmu 2.7 was released but as nobody answered and I didn't get any answers :-( I didn't press the issue but a couple of days later, the issue just disappeared and went back to normal...
maybe delete cached rss feeds from your DB and from the cache folder?
Thanks - I'll try that.
Sorry, no dice - is this just me? The feed is valid and being parsed by readers... :o/
do you use wp super cache or wp super cache plus or any other plugin that could cache your feed?
Nope, nothing.