Posted 15 years ago #
I'm running WPMu 2.6.5 and when I manually create a new user account from Site Admin, the new users are not receiving any confirmation email, but I am getting them as admin and the accounts are being created.
I don't want users to sign up themselves, so I have "Allow new registrations" disabled. Would this be the problem? Am I missing the correct mail sending plugin?
Thanks a lot for any help.
Posted 15 years ago #
Actually, I think I solved my problem by installing wp-phpmailer. This seems to work, but if anyone has a better method of doing this, please let me know.
Thanks again.
You'll get that behavior if you're using the LDAP plugin. Are you using that plugin?
Posted 15 years ago #
No, I am not using the LDAP plugin. It appears that using the wp-phpmailer plugin has solved the problem so far.
I am seeing the same behavior and I am using the WPMU-LDAP v2.8.2 plugin. The admin is notified, but the end user is not. Seems like a straightforward enough option, but I'm seeing anything in /var/log/mail that looks like it's destined for the end user - just files headed for the admin.
I am allowing auto-creation of accounts and blogs, so the scenario here is actually an auto-create, not a manual create.
Is this a known issue with WPMU-LDAP? I have not found any documentation or discussion of it. Appreciate any leads or troubleshooting tips.