I've been using WPMU 1.5.1 for some time, and I finally upgraded to version 2.7. Unfortunately, recent_posts_mu() now only displays a maximum of 22 or so posts. Before the upgrade, I used to display 300 most recent blog posts!
I put trace statements into the recent_posts_mu() code, and it looks like it's getting stuck inside:
$thispermalink = get_blog_permalink($blog, $thispost[0]->ID);
And from get_blog_permalink(), it's bombing out in:
switch_to_blog( $blog_id );
And from switch_to_blog(), it's error'ing out in:
While I debug this further, I am hoping that someone can save me some time and tell me that it's some sort of caching parameter that I have misconfigured.. Please let me know if you have the answer. Thanks in advance!