Posted 15 years ago #
Is it possible to completely lockout all non-logged in users to WPMU where they would not be able to see anything other than the main WPMU homepage and NOT be able to see any of the user blogs etc.
I am looking to use Buddypress/WPMU to create a social networking and portfolio website for K-12 students and we want to protect them from outsiders as this would only be used for school and we would not want the public to be able to interact with the students.
I could just put it on an internal server for our district network, but that would defeat the purpose of the students accessing it from home.
Posted 15 years ago #
Can the wpmu site admin set this for all blogs and "Force" the settings? I do not want students to be able to change the setting once the blog is created.
I guess I am also wondering if I could (As WPMU Admin) change it for individual blogs so that some blogs may be public if needed.
Posted 15 years ago #
Posted 15 years ago #
THANKS! I think I am going to have to become a Premium Member and give this a shot. I also like the Menu Hiding Options. I think these are the two plugins I would need to make this a successful project.
Posted 15 years ago #
Or since you are running bp you might want to try this