Posted 15 years ago #
Hey, everyone!
Do you guys know what plugins does use for their:
* Blog Stats
* Blog Surfer
* Tag Surfer
* My Comments
* Subscriptions (Comment Subscription Manager)
* Readomattic
* Edit CSS
* Delete Blog
* Domains
* Upgrades
I know I should search and try ;)
Just asked maybe someone knows and can point me to the right direction.
Sigh... Sometimes I'm lazy :)
Posted 15 years ago #
I think they develop their own and keep hold of them.
"Delete Blog"
That's not a plugin, it's there in core already.
A good half this list is freely available. I'm just too busy to hunt them all down for ya. ;P
Posted 15 years ago #
Maybe I got confused with their names? :)
Or is it new search at that returns fewer results...
OK, will try to find them.
The ones I know of are not all in in the plugin repository.
* Blog Stats
* Blog Surfer
* My Comments
* Subscriptions (Comment Subscription Manager)
* Edit CSS
* Domains
* Upgrades
All these are available. The Upgrades one is at premium. the rest are out there.
Posted 15 years ago #
My biggest concern is Blog Surfer and Tag Surfer.
Then comes Readomattic.
Well, couldn't find anything like that... Maybe it's because I'm out of coffee today :)
blog surfer is in the mu-admin bar, I think.
not even sure what Readomattic does. :D
tag surfer is basically global tags. I *know* we discussed it. Beyond that I'm drawing a blank.
(I'm packing for a trip, leaving Thursday, will be gone until Monday)
Posted 15 years ago #
Thanks andrea, and have a nice trip :)
Thanks back. :) I gotta go freak out some more...
(I'm speaking in two seminars at a conference.)
as said by donncha earlier is a highly customized version of wpmu so you may find alot many differences in a regular wpmu installation and