Sorry if this is in the wrong section. If it is, please move it. It just seemed the most fitting.
I have WPMU installed with the newest version. The folders and files are in the root directory with no subdomains. I have cpanel and FTP access. There are no plugins installed.
Well I am trying to set up a model site on my server. What I am trying to accomplish is this; A very stripped down myspace like page for every model. Just some basic information, an easy to use blog and a photo album with shown and hidden content for paying members only. I would like it to be customizable, but it doesnt have to be. I just think the models would enjoy it if they could pretty up their profiles a bit.
Thats the plan I have for the site, and I was told that WPMU is superior to WP for my needs. I am a pretty big n00b to this, and am NOT looking for straight hand outs or anything. This is all about learning for me, I just need some helpful nudges in the right direction because I am lost as all ever.