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Maxed out server? (8 posts)

  1. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #


    Sitting here looking for older threads on this but my host is reporting that his server is being maxed out due to the Virtual Hosts change in Apache. I'm not finding anything in these forums about this. Has this happened to anyone else in the past? Running r542 just for reference.


  2. andrewbillits
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I've never heard of this happening before. Ever. I know several people who are using WPMU on a shared server and two of them have over 5,000 users. Either something is wrong or your host is seriously overselling server space and now has so many active accounts on the one server that they are whinning.

  3. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Beginning to wonder that myself as he has ignored repeated requests for "ps -aux" output, a copy of the conf file for the domain in question, etc. Also my Kim Possible Screencapture site is a lot bigger with a lot more traffic as well.

    Only thing I've done within the last 24-48 hours is changed over to ITD's htaccess file with the sitemap modification.

    The server was pegging at a 20 load last time I looked this morning. Wasn't doing that last night.

    *sigh* I really just need to host my own sites but for certain legal reasons, I'm unable to. Lots of fun.

    I have yet to discover one case of a Wildcard DNS record (which is what he is pointing at as the start point of the trouble) causing an issue like this.

  4. itdamager
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Its certainly not wildcard dns or apache virtual hosts causing the problem, nor would I suspect my htaccess rules.

    I would say most likely something's misconfigured on the server end, or perhaps you've got a plugin causing the problem. Since you control the second part, ditch the plugins (i.e. sitemap) and see if the load returns to normal. You might also consider switching hosts.

  5. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    He removed the site. :(

    And explained in great detail about my lack of respect for him and his server.

    Guess it's moot now.

  6. andrewbillits
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Sorry to hear that. Would you mind posting which host you were with so we can all avoid it?

  7. samchng
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Oh no, sorry to hear that drmike. Change host, there many host suggested on this forum. If you would like, I can recommend my host to you too. Integrahost.

    Hope you can have your MU host elsewhere and keep up the good work! I feel you are the most active in these forum since your arrival. :)

  8. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thnak you for the kind words. I use WP a lot with my hosting company and I like to pay something back. :)

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