I have tried many media/video plugins, and many work good, but all of them insert short codes. I wonder if there is any video plugin that inserts full embed code into posts editing window instead of the short tags.
I mean if somehow later I need to disable the plugin (bc of a wp/wpMU upgrade or something) , all sites don't get messed at all if the plugin doesn't work or if its not updated.
Would be great to have a video plugin that if the plugin is disabled videos continue working ... right now every video plugin I have tried .. when disabled, short codes are displayed and videos messed up in all wpMU blogs.
Right now the only way I have for users to put videos and media is allowing embed codes via MU plugin, but not all users are familiar with HTML and is hard for them.
Best video video embedder I have tried is ProPlayer : http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/proplayer/
Would there be a way to modify it to operate that way?