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Video plugin that inserts embed code (12 posts)

  1. cincen
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I have tried many media/video plugins, and many work good, but all of them insert short codes. I wonder if there is any video plugin that inserts full embed code into posts editing window instead of the short tags.

    I mean if somehow later I need to disable the plugin (bc of a wp/wpMU upgrade or something) , all sites don't get messed at all if the plugin doesn't work or if its not updated.

    Would be great to have a video plugin that if the plugin is disabled videos continue working ... right now every video plugin I have tried .. when disabled, short codes are displayed and videos messed up in all wpMU blogs.

    Right now the only way I have for users to put videos and media is allowing embed codes via MU plugin, but not all users are familiar with HTML and is hard for them.

    Best video video embedder I have tried is ProPlayer :

    Would there be a way to modify it to operate that way?



  2. gpo1
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Am looking at kaltura plugin which does the job and easy.
    But needs adapting to BP.

  3. thehermit
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Why don't you try Viper Video. It is easy for beginners to use and works great with MU

  4. selfmade64856
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Only thing about Vioer Video is that it doesn't allow you to add an image preview to the video.....Kaltura can be a pain when playing the videos....I've had customers complain about the lags and freezes..... ProPlayer doesn't work with WPMU 2.8.2 nor does PB Embed Flash or WordTube. Slim pickins.

    Courtney Bostdorff

  5. RocketPopScott
    Posted 15 years ago #

    What solution did you find for this? Are you using Viper's?

  6. raf_siliconvalley
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I've got a hacked version of Auttomatic's 1.0 framework if someone wants to volunteer for alpha testing. So if you want to help test PM me and I'll send you a zip file.
    r o b e r t -at- m o t i v e p a t h <.> c-o-m

    @cincen We initially went with this approach, but after 1 year and 1M+ users and countless upgrades, etc., we found the opposite to be true --- having a short code is MUCH better since you don't hard code the URLs or the object/embed properties. It allows you to totally change the entire embed code on the fly by simply tweaking the short code implementation.

    @all We played with probably every 3rd party server out there, and while many more features are there, finally we are at the point where keeping all the systems in synch for SEO and for asset management is untenable. That's why we're participating with the WP guys to finish the video framework project ASAP. We need categories, tags, and the loop to be tightly integrated with the videos, and further we use WPMU so it needs to be multi-site enabled from day 1. We are using a 3rd party solution in production, and while it works fine as advertised, it is too painful to maintain the cross-links.

    So if you can, please help us get the Auttomatic framework up to speed.

    I have reviewd the Kaltura code extensively, and I think there are lots of features we can port into the framework. We are also hoping to add iPhone/Android support next, and then some pay-per-view features.

  7. EternalSkyChaz
    Posted 14 years ago #

    You should contact the gentleman that runs this site:

    He wrote the perfect video presentation plugin for regular WP that not only allowed you to play videos directly in a post and create image previews but also helped you create podcast feeds for iTunes.

    He stopped development on the plug-in sometime in 2008, but in a recent online conversation, he did say that he was going to create an upgrade for WP 2.8. Perhaps you could motivate him by asking nicely and hiring him on. :~)

    If you want to see his plugin in action, you can check out my regular WP sites here:

  8. pcwriter
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I just installed Viper's Video Quicktags site-wide on my WPMU/BP network and it works flawlessly on all blogs.
    Satisfied customer!

  9. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Coming up in 2.9.x will be internal support for videos and you won't need a plugin any more.

  10. forexwecan
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I tried embedding the video link from youtube into my wp mu 2.9.1 . It at best is erratic. It showed the same link as embedded and another link of the same video as just a link. I inserted another link from and it also showed up as just a link

    Can i get some suggestions on this please. Not sure what i am doing wrong here
    Please see here what i mean



  11. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Other users are reporting it works fine in

  12. forexwecan
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Here is the solution i found by hit and miss. Doesent know if it makes sense
    1) Well know option Viper plug in

    2) Copy the video link to notepad first.. then remove the slash or anyt that might show at the end of the link and then copy that link from the notepad into the post, then it embeds

    I guess when you copy into the post it should not show up as a clickable link .. it show show up as plain text

    Anyway this worked for me .. so if it helps some one .. pls try it out


About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by cincen
  • Latest reply from forexwecan