Thank you for your answer drmike!
<quote>Or is this going to be a plugin that you release?</quote>
Well at the end i'd like to release it, but that's not the priority right now. It's gonna be an intro page for multiblogs sites: overview over the blogs, last posts, newest blogs etc...
Yes i can 'include' it, good idea. Nevertheless i'll have to reinsert this line (and there might be more such changes) after each update...
I have a similar question again: i'd like to change the wp-newblog.php to change the blog creation process. How should i do that, again without changing core code? I'd like to have a own my-newblog.php
When i place my my-newblog.php in wp-inst, near the original wp-newblog.php i can't call it: calling mydomain/my-newblog.php instead of mydomain/wp-newblog.php doen't work as WP remaps this URL to mydomain/my-newblog/
How should this be done? Plugin? Declare this new file somewhere?