I have spent forever reading and researching on requests others have had for cloning or creating a new blog that would be pre populated with pages, posts, categories, links and other essential content from the main blog or from a template blog. As I consider this request, it seems the most logical thing to do is create a plugin that will upon the creation of a new blog... target an exported xml file from a blog that had the content desired for the new blog and import it as part of the process of creating the new blog. This to me would satisfy the request so many have had for cloning a blog during the creation of a new blog.
Am I talking into the wind? Does anyone know of a plugin that automatically targets and imports an xml file into a new blog upon/during it's creation automatically?
This would be completely successful if the originating blog were created using relative links -page ID links example - ?p=37- instead of permalinks, especially if using WPMU sub domain mode.
Any thoughts, information concerning a plugin that does this or should I attempt to create a plugin to do this? or is anyone working on a plugin already?
Thanks for your input in advance