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So close ... yet so far! Almost working ... please help! Thanks! (6 posts)

  1. kjarrett
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Ok! I actually "sorta" got an install done. Used the 4-7-06 build. First time, I didn't select virtual hosts (I have confirmed with my host it is supported, as is mod_rewrite). Install seemed to finish, but the main site had some text telling me I should use vhosts.

    So, I nuked the mysql db, deleted all the files, and started again. This time I enabled vhosts. There were about 50 errors when trying to write wp-config.php but eventually it said 'DONE' in green and told me to log in. I did. And it seemed to work.

    At this point I think I was looking at my "main" WPMU blog. I understand that I need to create my own "account" for my old WP 2.01 blog content. I did that, and it appeared to work. Looked all purty with the default template and everything.

    But I noticed there was no Plugin section on the admin panel, so I decided to go back to the "main" WPMU blog and log in. It was trying to go to this URL:


    Which is obviously invalid. What is causing that? I must have missed something.

    I am presuming once I get the above issue addressed, I will be able to log into the "main" WPMU blog and set up stuff like site-wide plugins. Correct?

    Also, is there a way to "turn off" the capability to create new blogs? I intend to do that myself.

    Thanks in advance!


  2. kjarrett
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I should also add that I was prompted to chmod folders and did as requested each time. Thanks!

  3. RaceDay
    Posted 18 years ago #

    You arent going to like my answer...

    But I had the same issue, what I did to fix it was...

    1. Delete the entire installation.
    2. Reinstall. Run the installer at and NOT

    There may be a quicker way--like editing the htaccess file, but this is what I did to fix it, and it worked out for me.

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    "I am presuming once I get the above issue addressed, I will be able to log into the "main" WPMU blog and set up stuff like site-wide plugins. Correct?

    Also, is there a way to "turn off" the capability to create new blogs? I intend to do that myself."

    Yes and yes to both. :)

  5. samchng
    Posted 18 years ago #

    andrea you said yes but you didnt show kjarrett how to do it. :))

    By deleting wp-newblogs.php or signup.php, wouldn't that disable signing up of blogs?

  6. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #


    To turn on plugins for users, go to /wp-admin/wpmu-options.php
    Scroll down.
    There's a ticky box labeled like this:
    Menus (Enable or disable WP Backend Menus)
    Menu Enabled
    Click it.
    Then click to update options button.

    To disable sign-ups, just turn on the "check for invites" button.
    Go to this URL in your installation:
    Chekc the ticky box, then click the "submit query" button to save it.

    Sign-up page will still be there (and hard to find if you don't link to it) and if anyone does try, they'll just get redirected back to the main page.

About this Topic

  • Started 18 years ago by kjarrett
  • Latest reply from andrea_r