Jay Casi
Posted 15 years ago #
I installed wpmu and everything Is working fine. I tried Installing multidb from wpmu premium and everything works fine except every time I create my new blog It seems to work fine but when I try to log-in It say incorrect password. So my question Is what would multidb alter that would create this password log-in error? multidb moves the tables without errors, and the plug-in settings are correct according to wpmu premium forums. What wpmu files handle passwords?
I'm not sure if I asked when you posted in our support forums... have you tried removing all plugins except Multi-DB?
Jay Casi
Posted 15 years ago #
Yes, absolutely. I thought It was a faulty plug-in at first but all I have Is wpmu + multibd installed. I even tried deleting my tables and redoing It again.
I've the same problem and ran out of ideas. Any solutions found so far? Thanks in advance.
Which version of wpmu are you using?
it seems to be working fine on my test installation at localhost for wpmu 2.7